Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Clerk: Mrs A Rhys Roberts, Honeybatch, Wellow. Bath BA2 8QG Tel: 01225 833102 E-mail: angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 10th December 2007 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston (from 8.06), Halewood, Martin (Chairman), Witty. District Councillor Butters (from 8.25) Clerk and 6 Parishioners.

7.126 Apologies for absence

Cllrs Lewis, Andrews and Pike.

7.127 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held Monday 12th November 2007, were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

7.128 Matters arising


7.129 Declarations of interest

Cllr Betts declared an interest in agenda item 8.

7.130 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

7.131 Planning

Decisions received:

a) 07/00434/FUL part of Former Somerset and Dorset Railway Line between Tucking Mill, Midford and Bellots Rd, Bath. Use of former railway line as shared pedestrian and cycle way, new access ways with associated engineering works and regrading of land. Approved

New Applications:

a) 07/02757/FUL The Wellow Trekking Centre, Little Horse Croft Farm, Ford Rd, Wellow. Retention of stable block and extension to reception /tearoom building. The Chairman advised he was at a loss to understand why this was not a retrospective application as the works had been completed over twelve moths ago and of a site visit by himself and Cllr Watson. While deprecating the works had been carried out before seeking permission, the Chairman proposed the Council Support the application. This was carried unanimously.

b) 07/03397/FUL Lower Barn, Lower Twinhoe, Conversion of barn to dwelling. Revised Scheme. Members voted to Support this scheme

c) 07/03580/FUL Weavers Farm, The Square, Wellow. Erection of stable and completion of general-purpose storage building at Manor Farm. Members voted to Support this scheme

7.132 Finance

a) Payments due received unanimous approval

b) The November reconciliation was approved.

c) The Chairman, Cllr Lewis and The RFO will meet to formulate a precept for 2008/09. Members were advised to submit any proposals requiring expenditure asap.

7.133 Horticultural Society

The Chairman introduced a letter from the Hort Soc regarding our request for payment for field hire for the last two years where they raised a perceived inequity in the Parish Council's dealing with village based organisations. It was agreed the request for payment should still stand but reconsideration will be given to future arrangements

7.134 Parish Plan

7.135 Christmas Tree

The Chairman advised permission had been received to fell a tree in the garden of Mr&Mrs Halle, which was to be used for the Christmas tree to be installed on The Batch. Carols would be sung around the tree Fri 21st December.

7.136 Any Other Business

7.137 Date of next Meeting

Confirmed as Mon 14th Jan 2008. 8pm in the Village Hall