Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Angharad Rhys-Roberts, Honeybatch, Railway Lane, Wellow, Bath BA2 8QG Tel 01225 833107, E-mail angharad@waitrose.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 11th December 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Elvin, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike. District Councillor Dawson, Clerk and 6 parishioners.

06.142 Apologies for absence.

Accepted from Councillors Halewood, Humphreys and Watson

06.143 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.

Parking off road at 1 West End Cottages. Cllr Colston proposed it would be beneficial to have a competitive valuation on the right of way. Two valuations will be sought. The owner will fund the valuations.


06.144 Declarations of interest on any matters on the agenda


06.145 Public Participation.

The Meeting was adjourned for public participation:

(a) It was noted that the drain in Farm Lane is blocked. ARR

(b) Road surfaces generally are in poor condition. Highway Department to be contacted AM

06.146 Planning

(a) 06/03687/FUL White Baines Bull's Hill Wellow. Replacement garage with studio accommodation above PERMITTED WITH CONDITIONS

(b) 06/3254/FUL The Old Barn Upper Twinhoe Wellow. Alternations to access and landscaping. PERMITTED WITH CONDITIONS

(c) Upper Wellow Brook, Hinton Road Bridge Wellow. Application to carry out works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order. APPROVED

(d) 06/00765/FUL The Cottage Canteen Lane Wellow. Second storey rear extension. The application had been resubmitted. Although the application was largely the same as had previously been refused it was agreed to support the application.

(e) 06/03005/FUL Honeysuckle Cottage Bull's Hill Wellow. Erection of conservatory APPROVED

(f) Centres of Clinical Excellence Planning Application for Bath Business Park, Peasedown St John. The Chairman advised of further contact from the PR Company representing the applicants and he had agreed to a meeting 18th Dec where amended proposals would be tabled for our consideration, to a group of councillors who will report back at the next meeting


06.147 Finance.

The finance report will be submitted in January. The December payments were approved. Cllr Betts advised the meeting doggy bins are now no longer obtainable and have been reclassified as trade waste bins, which will be purchased.


A Finance Committee meeting to formulate the Parish precept is to be arranged to allow proposals to be tabled at the next meeting.


06.148 Horses in field behind St Julians

There has been a complaint about aggressive horses in the field to the rear of the church, which makes it difficult for the public footpaths to be used. It was agreed a letter would be sent to Cluttons advising them of the problem and asking for action to be taken


06.149 The village hall car park.

The Chairman reported that following professional advice, the Parish Council was unable to accept the kind offer from The Magic Box Playgroup for the resurfacing of the village hall car park. A new proposal has been received from the Magic Box Committee requesting an all weather surface play area to the eastern boundary of the village hall with a fence around. Magic Box is offering to fund this. It was agreed this needs to be incorporated with the master plan for the whole area. The offer letter was therefore passed to Cllr Watson for action.


06.150 Christmas tree on The Batch.

The Chairman reported Western Power and NZ Electricals have completed the installation of the supply to The Batch in preparation for the erection of the Christmas tree. The hole for the tree would be dug Tuesday12 Dec and it was hoped to have the tree erected and illuminated by Friday15th.


06.151 Traffic census.

The Chairman thanked all those involved in the traffic census undertaken 30 Nov. A further survey will be undertaken 14 Dec.

06.152 Meetings. Cllr Colston volunteered to attend the Army Presentation Team on 17 January 2007

06.153 Any other business.

(i) Cllr Colston reported: the car park is in a mess because of motor vehicles practicing wheelies/hand brake turns. This will be reported to the Police; The CAA were allowing more planes to land at Bristol Airport and hence more over flying of Wellow; The Odd Down park and ride was going to operate 7 days a week.

(ii) Cllr Betts advised Combe Hay Bridge had deteriorated further and Farm Lane was also in need of attention.

(iii) Cllr Lewis reported that the approximate cost of new swings for the play park was £10,000 for which a grant was being pursued.

(iv) Cllr Elvin advised copies of the Cotswold Lion would be available in the village shop. This will contain a diary of events.

(v) The Chairman advised Sue Wordsworth had been given a bouquet of flowers in recognition of her excellent work

(vi) The Chairman drew everyone's attention to the fact that Cllr Elvin was tonight achieving 25 years of continuous service as a parish councillor. Paying tribute to Cllr Elvin, the Chairman reminded all of the many attributes he has brought to the Parish Council during his service and thanked him on behalf of the entire parish. A token of esteem provided by his fellow councillors was presented to Cllr Elvin to mark the occasion.

06.154 The next Wellow Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 8th January at 8pm in the Wellow Village Hall