Wellow Parish Council



Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 17th April 2012 at 8pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Clarkson, Doman, Prentice, Wheeler and White. Six members of the public in attendance.






12.047              To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Caudle and Witty.  The Chairman confirmed that Cllr Witty had now formally tendered her resignation.


12.048              Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in March 2012 minutes

Cllr Clarkson declared an interest in the Weaver’s Farm planning appeal.


12.049              To confirm minutes of meeting held on March 12th 2012.

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on March 12th 2012 were approved unanimously.


12.050              To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.

The Chairman asked that the item regarding the distribution of minutes be carried forward to the May meeting.


Cllr Betts said that she and others from the Horticultural Society had cleared and tidied the chicanes at the entrances to the village, and they would be planting seeds there.


Stewart Cole said that he had reported the pothole in Henley View to Council Connect.


Cllr Wheeler said that Erica Smith had purchased a Union Flag for use on St George’s Day and for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.


There has been no further progress in connection with the shop next door to the Fox and Badger but Cllr Andrews was able to give the Chairman a file of documents relating to the shop.  Cllr Betts said that the Village Hall was not a suitable venue for the storing of Parish documents.


Various options regarding the shop were discussed and Alex Martin, the previous Parish Council Chairman, gave a brief history. Cllr Clarkson suggested that we approach the owners with a view to their gifting the shop to the village.  The Chairman and District Councillor Neil Butters agreed to follow this up with the owners.


Cllr Andrews said that she had yet to fix a date when interested parties could go through the parish records but it was agreed that she would do so after the meeting.


Cllr White said that there was nothing definite yet decided regarding the provision of fruit trees.





12.051              Planning


1.       New applications


Greenhayes:  Cllr Clarkson said that she could see no reason why the proposed tree pruning should not take place.  The Council agreed unanimously to support the application.  Cllr Clarkson will inform the Planning Department accordingly.            DC


Under Hayes: Cllr Clarkson gave the Council full details of the proposals and said that the area affected would be landscaped and that the new buildings would be screened. The Council voted unanimously to support the application.             DC


Home Farm: Cllr Clarkson said that the proposed installation of photo-voltaic cells was relatively small, generating 4Kw from an array less than a metre high. The proposed site is near the house on sloping land and well screened. The owners are willing to plant a hedge to the north of the installation to provide further screening. The site is hidden from neighbouring properties.  Cllr Clarkson proposed that the Council support the application and this was agreed unanimously.                       DC


Elmlea House:  This application was previously refused as it was felt that it was too large. A new proposal has been designed by Mark Watson. None of the neighbours have objected and it was agreed unanimously that the Council would support it.           DC


Manor Farm Barn: Cllr Clarkson said that the proposed changes would not involve any alteration to the external appearance of the building.  The building itself would only be visible from the existing house. The Council voted unanimously to support the application.                                                                                                    DC


Weavers Farm: Cllr Clarkson withdrew as her house overlooks the property to which this planning application relates. The Chairman drew attention to the list of reasons given by B&NES for refusing the application.  He said that he could see no reason to add to them. Wellow Parish Council did not respond to the original application as it was felt that any decision should be left to B&NES.


Cllr Clarkson resumed her seat.



2.       Decisions received


Old Works, Railway Lane: The removal and replanting of a tree on the site has been approved by B&NES. The Council noted the decision.




12.052              Access to West End Cottages


Cllr Andrews referred to the exchange of emails between herself and the owner of Number 1, West End Cottages, Robert Owen, a copy of which had been circulated previously.


Cllr Betts said that she was against access being provided to 1 West End Cottages and to the proposed new building alongside it via the Village Hall drive. The original access had been agreed to as parking was not perceived to be a problem and it only related to No 1, not to any new build.  The agreement was never finalised and so lapsed. It was unanimously agreed that Wellow Parish Council would not agree to granting access via the drive.


Cllr Wheeler expressed concern about the possibility of lorries trying to gain access up the driveway during building works.  Cllr Doman suggested that the bollards at the top of the driveway which were designed to prevent vehicular access to the playing field should be re-instated. The Chairman suggested writing to the owners of those properties which back on the field advising them that the bollards would be installed and this was approved unanimously.


12.053              Finance


The outstanding payments were approved as was the Financial Report up to April 12th.


Cllr Andrews has made some progress regarding the release of monies from the Millennium Fund and would continue to follow this up.


The Clerk reported that he had received the documentation from Mazars regarding our annual external audit and Richard Holland confirmed that he would continue as our internal auditor.


The Clerk said that he had completed the necessary forms for the Council to reclaim VAT.



12.054              Village Wear and Tear


Cllr White said that there was a need for litter bins outside the Village Hall.  Cllr Betts said that there used to be some but that they were removed because of abuse.  There is a bin at the bottom of the driveway.


It was agreed that we should provide a sign outside the Village Hall asking people to put their litter in the bins by the village hall.


Stewart Cole said that the kerbstones near Footman’s Cottage had not been repaired and the Clerk agreed to remind Council Connect about it.


12.055              Unsightly rubbish behind the Old Vicarage Garden


The Council’s attention was drawn to two piles of rubbish which have appeared on the stables site. There is an old pile of doors and various items which have become overgrown and a pile of plastic sacks.  These piles look unsightly and give a poor impression of Wellow to anyone using the footpaths which run nearby.  Some concern was also expressed regarding the possibility of their being toxic materials in the old pile such as asbestos.


Richard Holland suggested that we write to the tenant, with a copy to the Diocese of Bath and Wells who own the land in question, to ask that the rubbish be removed.  He gave the details to the Clerk who said he would follow it up.                               GW


12.056              Improvements to the area round the Ford


Cllr White reported that, in conversation with a local resident, the suggestion had been made that we clear space around the Ford to provide picnic tables. Cllr Wheeler said that, while he would be against picnic tables, he would have no objection to the provision of a suitable bench.  It was pointed out that B&NES own the land but the Chairman agreed to put a note in the Parish News asking for volunteers to look after the space.                                                                                                  HP


12.057              Footpaths


The Chairman referred to the letter from Graeme Stark regarding the footpath leading to the field behind Brunel House.  He suggested that the Council write to him to say that we agree with his proposals. This was agreed unanimously.                             GW






12.058              CPRE Village of the Year Competition


The Chairman referred to the letter from the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England but it was decided not to enter.




12.059              Traffic Calming


Cllr Wheeler said that Nick Jeane’s from B&NES expected that all outstanding work re signage would be completed by the end of May after which time the Police will enforce the speed limit.


The main area of concern is at the west end of the village.  The possibility of erecting an electronic sign informing drivers of their speed was mentioned. Nick Jeane’s is due to meet with the traffic calming sub-committee next week.


District Cllr Butters mentioned that the Two Tunnels would be opened on October 6th 2012.


12.060              Correspondence


The various magazines and leaflets were distributed to Councillors.


12.061              Any other reports


Cllr Andrews said that the problems at the cemetery at a recent funeral were not caused by the Burial Board.


District Cllr Butters referred to the plans for one or more tennis courts in the village.  The Council agreed in principle to support the idea.


The Chairman said that we should seek clarification from Gigaclear regarding the costs of installing a faster broadband in Wellow.  B&NES are already involved in the pilot scheme with Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Torbay Councils.


12.062              Date of next meeting


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 8pm in the Village Hall on May 14th 2012.


                        The meeting adjourned at 9.40pm.





Geoffrey White

Parish Clerk

April 25th 2012