Wellow Parish Council


Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 11th April 2011 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Halewood, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Watson and Witty and District Cllr Butters.

Seven members of the public in attendance.





11.053             To accept apologies for absence.

                        Cllr Colston.


11.054             Declarations of interest in any matters on the agenda or in February 2011 minutes



11.055             To confirm minutes of meeting held on February 14th 2011.

Cllr Halewood referred to the Parish Council’s response to the proposed development of St Gregory’s Catholic College at Odd Down. He wanted the minutes to make clear that the Council would support the plan if issues concerning the Green Belt and traffic management were reconsidered. Cllr Watson, though, re-iterated his point about the application being a “lost opportunity” in terms of its design.


Cllr Halewood agreed about the design and Cllr Lewis expressed his concerns over the design too.


After some discussion it was proposed to amend the minutes by adding the clause “although the Council would reconsider if these issues were addressed”.


The amendment was carried with one abstention after which the Chairman amended the minutes which were then unanimously agreed to be a true and correct record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.


11.056             To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.





11.057            Planning


Decisions received:

The Chairman drew attention to the following decisions received from B&NES:


11/00274/FUL: Church Farm.  External alterations to dwelling house (part retrospective).                                                                                              PERMIT


11/00228/FUL: Bubblers Dytch. Erection of three bedroom dwelling.                                                                                                                               PERMIT

Cllr Lewis expressed concern that B&NES had made amendments to the original plans without any consultation and Cllr Betts reported that work had already started on trees growing on the site.


Cllr Lewis explained that the existing building would remain since its demolition would be the subject of a separate planning application.


The Chairman reported that Highways have made changes to the arrangements for entering and leaving the property.


Should the building go ahead there would be a need for a new sewer but Wessex Water have said that the existing sewer could be re-routed.


Cllr Halewood said that the Planning Department had ignored the views of Wellow Parish Council but the Chairman said that the Case Officer had taken our comments on board but had decided to approve the proposal after consideration


District Councillor Butters suggested that we should raise the matter again and ask that it should be referred to the Development Control Committee and later reinforced this view agreeing that any request could be arranged via him.  However, the Chairman took the view that it was now too late but that the new Parish Council should be made aware of the Development Control Committee should a similar situation arise in the future.



09/03171/FUL: Rear of 1 to 7 High Street / Mill Hill. Conversion of barns, stables and forge to dwellings.                                            WITHDRAWN


11/00315/FUL: The Crest.  Conversion of existing outbuilding to additional dwelling space.                                                                               PERMIT


11/00106/OUT: Wellow Brook. Provision of three water wheels.



11/00219/LBA: Upper Baggridge Farm: Erection to barns to provide two dwellings.                                                                                          PERMIT





New applications:


11/01294/FUL: Corner House, Station Rd, Wellow. Front extension to existing garage and conversion to kitchen.


Both Cllrs Halewood and Watson said that they approved of the plans and Cllr Witty added her support.  Cllr Watson elaborated and said that the proposal fits in with the existing building and doesn’t increase its area unduly.


Cllr Halewood proposed that we support the proposal and this was agreed unanimously.




11/00585/LBA: Blacksmiths Cottage 3A High Street Wellow Bath

Description of Proposal: External alterations to existing extension and excavation works.


The Chairman and Cllr Watson explained that they had looked at the proposal as the application arrived too late to be included on the March agenda and that delaying discussion until the April meeting would cause us to miss the deadline for any response.


Cllr Watson said that the proposal involved digging out the back lawn to produce a sunken terrace.  It would be necessary to have a means of supporting neighbouring land but, as the proposed works would not be visible from outside, he would have no objection. The decision was supported unanimously.



11.058             Finance

The Council unanimously approved all payments as well as the financial report for March. The Chairman mentioned that new regulations appeared to be in force from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs involving National Insurance and PAYE which might affect the Parish Council’s administration.  The Clerk said that he had made arrangements for his own tax liability with HMRC. 


Further investigations would take place outside the meeting.



11.059             Parish Plan

(a)   Traffic calming – Cllr Watson

Cllr Watson reported that a formal speed check had been carried out three weeks previously.  He said that he would be happy to continue liaising with B&NES over traffic calming should the new Parish Council wish him to do so.


Cllr Watson showed a number of designs for Wellow signs which Cathy Beale had produced.  Minor changes were suggested but everyone agreed that the word WELLOW was displayed very well indeed as it reflected the old railway line through the village.


Cllr Andrews asked whether, in addition to the use of these signs at the village boundaries, it would be possible to erect a more imposing sign in the Square. 


Cllr Watson said that the village’s residents should be consulted before any signs are made and said that he would continue to liaise with Cathy Beale over the final design.


Cllr Betts agreed to pursue funding via the Millennium Fund.  The Chairman said that he thought there was some £2,600 in the fund but that signatories would have to be identified.                                                                                   SB


(b)   Play Area – Cllrs Lewis / Betts

Cllr Lewis reported that he had requested than works be commenced in the play area and that Kevin Goddard had sought clarification from B&NES as to whether the work can go ahead.



11.060             Highways

Progress made with regard to flooding in Stoney Littleton Lane, the Wellow to Midford path and the stonework along Ebenezer terrace were noted.



11.061             Election

The Chairman provided an update.


Three existing councillors, Cllrs Andrews, Betts and Witty, had decided to stand again for election.


Six other people had put themselves forward and, since the number of nominations matched the number of vacancies, all would be elected unopposed.



11.062             Correspondence

Richard Holland, a member of the public, asked for clarification regarding our PSMA licence.  It had been thought that this was part of our Parish Online agreement but Mr Holland understood that our permission to make use of ordnance Survey maps was, in fact, a separate one.  The Clerk said he would look into it.


The Chairman read out a letter from General Sir David Richards regarding Armed Forces day at the end of June. Cllr Betts felt that we should fly a flag and the Clerk was asked to order one.  The Clerk reported that he had advised Colin Tremellen, a retired army officer, about it in case he wished to add anything.                                                                                                 GW



11.063             Chairman’s Report

The Chairman said that he had attended a Parish Liaison Meeting but that he had nothing of any significance to report from it.


11.064             Any Other Business

Cllr Andrews expressed her appreciation of the work with the Chairman had done over the years.  Everyone agreed.


Manor Close

District Cllr Butters referred to concerns about speeding in Manor Close.  Residents have been in touch with Somer Housing about the possibility of an elderly people sign being erected.


The Chairman suggested that a survey be undertaken to identify the scale of the problem and District Cllr Butters said he would ask the person who had originally raised the problem to write to the Clerk.


It was suggested that this should be an agenda item in May.


District Cllr Butters thanked everyone for all their hard work and for being “such a good Parish Council”.


Cllr Pike

The Chairman referred to Cllr Pike and the fact that he had served on the Parish Council for 28 years.  Cllr Andrews and he had presented Cllr Pike with a leaving present and the Chairman read out a letter he had received from Cllr Pike expressing his thanks.


The Chairman expressed his thanks to the Parish Council and indicated that he would be happy to help and advise in future if necessary.


11.065             Date of next meeting            


Confirmed as Monday May 9th 2011 at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.



GW 19.04.11