Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held Monday 20th April 2009

In the Village Hall at 8p.m.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Martin (Chairman), Pike & Watson 7 members of the public in attendance.

9.42 To accept apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Andrews, Lewis & Witty

9.43 To confirm minutes of the meeting held 9th March 2009.

The minutes of the Monthly meeting held 9th March 2009 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman

9.44 To report matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda.


9.45 Declaration of interest on any matter on the agenda.


9.46 Public Participation.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

(a) Mr. Cole reported that the safety barrier outside the school had been damaged and also enquired about the removal of the litterbin from outside of the church. Cllr Betts advised the bin was to be relocated at the bottom of the village hall drive.

(b) Ms. Sturm advised of an initiative trying to create a wildflower meadow at Manor Close and of an incident where members of the public were allegedly injured. A copy of a map showing the extent of the land in the ownership of Somer Housing had been supplied which confirmed the land in question was the property of Somer Housing. The identified potential hazard had now been removed.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

9.47 Planning.

(a) No new applications received.

(b) Decisions received:

(i) 08/03965/LBA Upper Baggridge Farm Internal and external alterations to existing farm buildings to create three new dwellings and erection of new agricultural buildings following demolition of existing. CONSENT

(ii) 08/03960/FUL As above. PERMIT

9.48 Finance.

The monthly financial report was circulated and the RFO requested approval. This was agreed unanimously.

9.49 Parish Plan.

(a) Cllr Halewood reported that the first meeting of business working from home had been held at The Fox & Badger and had proven successful. Another meeting has been scheduled for the end of the month.

(b) Cllr Betts reported on the outcome of a survey of the older generation as part of a wider survey to update sections of the Parish Plan.

(c) Cllr Betts advised of a further meeting to discuss improvements to the Village Hall and Playing Fields has been arranged for 12th May.

(d) Cllr Watson referred to the recently received costings from Highways for the traffic calming measures and suggested that a trial of the materials proposed was a sensible idea. It was agreed that a trial should be requested for the area just past the village shop. As the costings were in excess of what was available from the Section 106 Agreement for the whole of the proposed works it was agreed that an approach be made to our district councillor to enlist his help on pursuing the matter of further funding from B&NES. It was also agreed that an approach be made to CCE in an attempt to gain some sponsorship. MW

9.50 Sustainable Communities Act.

A paper from B&NES had been circulated in advance and was noted with little enthusiasm.

9.51 Public Path Order Policy.

A draft of this policy had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Chairman proposed agreement without change. This was agreed unanimously.

9.52 Correspondence.

(a) Calor Village of the Year Competition. Cllr Betts undertook to take care of the entry and its publicity.

(b) Waste Day Change. Cllrs noted the proposed changes and the publicity surrounding them.

9.53 Chairman's report.

The Chairman advised of a recent meeting of the Parish Cluster Group particularly the items raised regarding highway condition. He reported that the highways contractor had increased their staffing by 50% and as a consequence an increase in the rate at which repairs were completed could be expected. He also advised that the new Highways Service Manager had accepted an invitation to visit Wellow to see at first hand problems typical of a rural parish.

9.54 Any Other Business.

(a) Cllr Betts advised that the playing fields would benefit from an early mowing as the dandelions were getting very conspicuous. AM

(b) Cllr Pike advised members of the situation regarding the field opposite the Prince of Wales and suggested members might care to acquaint themselves of the situation which has been taken up with Planning Enforcement.

9.55 Date of next meeting.

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Mon 18th May 2009, 7.30pm in the Village Hall, commencing with the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.02pm.