Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 14th April 2008 at 8pm.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Betts, Colston, Halewood. Lewis, (Chairman) Martin, Pike, Watson and Witty, District Cllr Butters and parishioners.

08.36 Apologies for absence:

08.37 Minutes of previous meeting:

These were unanimously agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

08.38 Matters arising:


08.39 Declarations of interest:

a) Cllr Martin who had not arrived at this juncture had a prejudicial interest recorded on his behalf in item 6e.

b) Cllr Witty declared prejudicial interests in 6d and 6f.

c) Cllr Betts declared a prejudicial interest in 6d.

08.40 Public participation:


08.41 Planning Decisions received:

a) 08/00334/FUL Parcel 6030 Dunkerton Hill, Dunkerton. Erection of three stables, hay barn and tack room and change of use for ground for grazing. REFUSED

b) 08/000608/FUL Manor Farm, Farm Lane, Wellow, Erection of stable and tack room- resubmission. PERMITTED

New applications:

a) 08/00924/FUL Honeysuckle Cottage, Bulls Hill, Wellow, Erection of new metal railings/hedge and gate to match existing. A proposal to support this application was carried unanimously Cllr Martin and Dist Cllr Butters joined the meeting at this point.

b) 08/01258/FUL Village Hall, High St. Wellow, Provision of an external standard metal shipping container. Cllrs Witty and Betts left the room for this discussion. A proposal to support this application was carried unanimously

c) 08/01279/FUL Knights Barn, High St. Wellow Change of use of the garage from Residential (use class C3) to mixed use of retail and light industry (use class A1 and B1), erection of a rear extension to Knights Barn Cottage and garage and provision of glazed pergola to the rear of main house. Cllr Martin left the meeting for this item. While there was general approval of the application, there was great concern regarding the light industrial classification. It was therefore agreed to defer the decision until the next meeting pending further clarification

d) 08/01279/FULCourtland House, High St. Wellow, Erection of garden pavilion Cllr Witty left the room for this item. A proposal to support this application was carried unanimously

08/42 Finance:

The Responsible Finance Officer presented a list of payments due and the financial statement of accounts for the year to date. These were unanimously approved.

08/43 Youth Club

Cllr Witty advised that plans were going well for the opening of the Wellow Youth Club on 25th June and that a BBQ to which everyone in the village is invited will be held on Friday 20th June. Tickets available at the beginning of June from the village shop, pub and school.

08/44 Parish Plan

No reports

08/45 Traffic Calming

Cllr Watson gave an update on progress.

08/46 Any Other Business

a) Cllr Martin advised this was to be the last meeting of the Clerk. He thanked her for her efforts and wished her well for the future. He further advised we had been unsuccessful in recruiting a replacement and he would be carrying out the role for at least three months in an attempt to get a realistic assessment of how much time and effort was required. This was unanimously endorsed.

08/47 Date of next meeting

Confirmed as 12th May 2008 in the Village Hall following the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual General Meetings at 7.30pm.

AM 02.06.08