Clerk: Mrs A Rhys Roberts, Honeybatch Railway Lane Wellow Bath BA2 8QG

Tel: 01225-833107 e-mail angharad@waitrose.com


Minutes of Wellow Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 17th April 2007


Present:  Councillors Betts, Elvin, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin, Chairman and Pike.  Clerk and 5  Parishioners.


7.36 Apologies for absence

District Councillor Gitte Dawson, Cllrs Halewood, Colston and Watson.


7.37 Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held 12 March 2007 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


7.38 Matters arising from the minutes and not on the agenda

(a) Cllr Pike noted that, on the Wellow Conservation Character Appraisal, White Ox Mead is not mentioned, although it has 4 grade II listed houses. The Chairman reported that the conservation area specifically deals with Wellow village.

(b) The Chairman voiced concern that no action had been taken about the storm damage that had happened to Mr Chivers' property, and he would be contacting Mr Chivers to discuss it.


7.39 Declaration of interest

Cllr Lewis declared an interest in agenda item 6d


7.40 Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for public participation

l      Mr Cole reported that there was a lot of litter at the cemetery and at the Trekking Centre area, and suggested that a group of volunteers might organise a litter pick-up.

l      Mr Cole had noted that 4 lime trees by the church, and a Holm oak on the pavement by Church Farm House may need surgery.  BANES will be advised.


l      Erica Smith advised that the Wellow – Midford cycle path had been resurfaced and the result was most unsatisfactory making it difficult for cyclists in many places. She has pursued the matter with BANES who have promised action but she would appreciate it if a letter could be written to BANES from the Parish Council to say how disappointing it is that the path is in such a poor state.



The meeting was reconvened.




7.41 Planning. 

Decisions received

(a) 07/00148/FUL Heathfield The Laurels Midford BA2 7DG.  Erection of a single storey extension after removal of existing rear porch.  PERMITTED

(b) 06/03390/OUT Plot C Foxcote Avenue Peasedown St John BA2 8SF.  Outline application for a new hospital with access, parking, servicing, landscaping and associated facilities.  PERMITTED

(c) Notification of work to trees in the conservation area CA7608 White Baines, Bull’s Hill Wellow. PERMITTED

Update on the Batch

The Chairman reported that rectification works on The Batch to bring it up to the standard specified in the Section 106 Agreement have still not commenced despite the formal meeting between all parties having taken place 1st August 2006. It appears as though the planning authority have still not agreed with the developer’s architect the specification for the works to be carried out. Having spoken to the case officer, the Chairman reported that it was hoped to have this done within a couple of weeks. The Parish Council were left as a consequence of the decision by the developers to adhere precisely to the terms of the Section 106 Agreement holding 8 tonnes of granite setts purchased at a cost of £1600 with parish funds. It had been agreed by the developers to use these for the driveway across but they had reversed their decision and deposited them in the Car Park. The Parishes Council is left not knowing whether they will be able to recover any of the cost of these, as it appears increasingly difficult to dispose of them. Overall it is felt, as had been said previously, BANES have not applied the appropriate attention to discharging its’ responsibilities in this matter. 

New Applications

(a) 07/0008/FUL Expiry date 7th June 2007 Weavers Farm High Street Wellow BA2 8QE. Extension of track from bungalow/farm through site of original farmyard to new cul-de-sac.  JANUARY RE-SUBMISSION.

The Chairman advised this was a resubmission of an application originally submitted in January, which was deemed to be invalid. It seeks to retrospectively gain approval for a track constructed after completion of Weavers Orchard. Additional plans had been provided which showed the original layout of the site, the track and a copy of a section of the 1885 Ordnance Survey map showing the line of a track from behind Wellow House to a point on Bath Hill where the current access for Weavers Farm Bungalow is located.

The Chairman read out:

a)     A supporting letter from the applicants claiming to have used part of the track since the existing family had taken over the farm in the 1830’s.

b)      An extract from a letter from the Planning Authority dated 7th October 2005 “…a, track appears to have been created across this former yard to link up with a new gate to the rear garden of Weavers Farm Bungalow. Whilst I accept that the gate would be again permitted development owing to its height the creation of a track across the land does not comply with the above drawing approved under condition 12. The construction of a track is deemed to be engineering operation requiring planning permission. Whilst it is open to you to submit an application for its retention I am obliged to point out I could not support such a proposal in view of its adverse impact on the appearance of the area which was to be reinstated and top soiled and seeded with grass. I must therefore ask you to remove the track and reinstate the land as a grassed area within 28 days of this letter unless a planning application is received during that period.”

Mrs Horler has claimed the access/exit from Wellow Farm Bungalow is dangerous and with her grandchild coming up to an age when she would be starting to drive, she was concerned for her safety. None of this is mentioned in the supporting letter. The Chairman advised the meeting that he had been informed by BANES that Highways Department opinion was that the access/exit, although not ideal, was not dangerous.

Cllr Humphreys proposed the application be opposed on the grounds of its contravention of the planning permission, its impact on the local conservation area and the loss of visual amenity. The motion was carried.


At this point, Mrs Horler interjected, advising the meeting that as a consequence of this decision she would allow the use of her land for motor cycling, claiming she could do this for up to 28 days per year without seeking permission.


The Chairman, expressing disappointment with this statement, advised Mrs Horler to think long and hard before embarking upon such a course of action.


(b) 07/00571/FUL Expiry date 21st May 2007 Honeysuckle Cottage, Bull's Hill, Wellow BA2 8QS.  Replacement of metal railings and 2.5 m mixed hedge with cast iron railings and 1.4 beech hedge.  Cllr Lewis proposed that this should be supported subject to the removal of the spikes on all of the railings. This was agreed.

(c) 07/00670/ELEC Parcel 0091 White Ox Mead Lane Peasedown St. John.  Reinforcement works to the electricity supply points.  This is an H pole installation and a letter had been written to say it seemed to be rather a random location.

(d) 07/00434/FUL Part of Former Somerset and Dorset Railway Line between Tucking Mill, Midford and Bellotts Road, Bath.  Use of former railway line as a shared pedestrian and cycleway, construction of bridges at Millmead Road and Monksdale Road, new access ways with associated engineering works and regrading of land.  SUPPORTED


7.42 Finance

(a) The payments were approved

(b) The monthly reconciliation was approved, and it was noted that the mistake of last month's reconciliation had been rectified.


 7.43 Update on traffic calming scheme

The Chairman advised the meeting draft proposals prepared by Alan Baxter Associates for implementing the Shared Space proposals prepared by Hamilton Baillie had been received. Ben Hamilton Baillie is in discussion with Alan Baxter Associates regarding items of detail.  It was agreed to circulate to all members. 






7.44 Parish Plan

Cllr Humphreys has prepared a spreadsheet detailing areas of responsibility and volunteers. This will be discussed at the next meeting when the new council would be in place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


7.45 Calor Village of the Year Competition

It is agreed to support the competition and Cllr. Betts agreed to organize it


Mrs Horler requested that the white box by the side of the telephone box be painted red


7.46 Any Other Business

l      Cllr Lewis thanked Frank Shellard for kindly moving the granite setts, and Mr and Mrs Mucklow for storing them.

l      Cllr Lewis informed the council that on the 30th June it is planned to hold a 'Music in the Park' event to raise money for the Village Hall.  It was agreed formal application would be needed for the event.  The Chairman stated support would be given for it, and that there would be no charge for using the playing fields.

l      Cllr Humphreys stated there needed to be more thought given to the carbon footprint and sustainability in the village.

l      Cllr Betts enquired about the progress of the composting scheme.  Cllr Elvin informed the council funding had been obtained.  Mrs Horler advised Cllr Elvin that her family now withdrew any support or help for the scheme as a consequence of him voting against her application.  Mrs Mucklow stated that she was not in favour of the scheme, she lived directly near it, and the survey circulated was poorly put together.

l      Mrs Horler told the council she is sorry about the granite setts issue, but she and Mr Horler were not in control of it. This is contrary to what she told the Chairman at the time. Cllr Humphreys stated it would be good to see it all resolved.

l      The Chairman wished to give special thanks to the two members of council retiring – Cllrs Elvin and Humphreys - for all their hard work.


7.47 Next Meeting

The Annual General Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting of

The Wellow Parish Council will be held on the Monday, 14 May 2007, at 7.30 pm in the Wellow Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.