Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 24th April 2006 at 8pm.

Present: Councillors Betts, Colston, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. Clerk and 10 parishioners.

38/06 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Councillors Elvin and District Councillor Dawson

39/06 Minutes of meeting held on 20 March 2006

The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

40/06 Matters of report arising from the minutes and not on the agenda


41/06 Declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda


42/06 Public Participation - the meeting was adjourned for public participation and the following items were discussed for action:

· A request to extend road sweeping up to Manor Stables on Farm Lane was received and approved.

· It was noted that potholes have been marked for repair, progress is slow but Highways Dept. budget has been cut.

· Concern was expressed about the delay in repairing Hinton Hill and that cutting back the vegetation may result in further subsidence. It was agreed to lobby District Councillor Dawson on this matter.


The meeting was reconvened

43/06 Planning

The following decision was noted and approved:

Notification of work to trees in the conservation area:

(i) PLW/546/CA 6776 Milford Head Mill Hill Wellow. Notification of proposed works to trees in the conservation area. No objection.

44/06 Finance

(i) The finance report was received. It was noted that in preparation for the annual audit end of year accounts have been balanced. Receipts and payments were approved.

(ii) A funding request for the preservation of Wellow Tithe map was considered. It was noted that the Tithe map which is held in the village church is not the original but has significant local historical value. It was decided to give further consideration to the request, to check that the restoration cannot be achieved locally and to agree the principle of funding the project.


45/06 Proposed Fare Car Scheme.

The Parish Council has received confirmation that the 757 bus service will be discontinued in mid July. The service will be replaced by a Dial a Ride Scheme a Fare Car Scheme. Members and the pubic expressed great disappointment at losing the bus service and disatisfaction with the consultation process. It was decided to invite the responsible officers of B&NES to the next Parish Council Meeting to discuss the proposals.


46/06 Diamond Travelcard.

To publicise free off peak bus travel for residents aged 60 & over. Applications are available from the local authority.

47/06 Move to edge of property refuse collection.

The service changes which will be effective from 5 June 2006 were noted. Residents who require assisted collection because they are unable to take their bins or rubbish bags to the roadside may contact Council Connect 01225 394041 or waste_services@bathnes.gov.uk. Residents are requested not to leave bagged rubbish at the roadside overnight. Members and residents have expressed reservations about the service changes and these will be put to the service provider.


48/06 No.1 West End Cottages.

A proposal for off street parking for 1 and 2 West End Cottages was considered. It was agreed that a long term solution was preferred and that further advice about costs, best value and the design details would be sought. Item to be carried forward to next month's agenda.


49/06 Best Kept Villages Competition.

The proposal to enter this competition would be supported by members of the Wellow and District Horticultural Society. It was agreed to enter the competition and get into the spirit of the events for the benefit of the village.


50/06 Any other business

· The Traffic Calming proposals will be displayed in the village hall in June as part of a major consultation with residents on the results of the Parish Plan, forward planning to improve recreational facilities on the playing field and traffic calming.


· It was decided to get advice from the community police about corresponding with contractors in commercial vehicles and others who speed through the village. Residents are reminded that there is a 20mph speed limitin the village.


· A request to ask for a 10mph speed limit and sign for Manor Close was approved for action. The new Byways sign at the Twinhoe crossroads has been poorly placed and B&NES will be notified.


· A letter from Magic Box preschool was received requesting that potholes in the village hall car park be repaired. A quote for resurfacing will be obtained.


· The Parish Council agreed in principle to meet earlier in the month and to formally correspond with the Village Hall Committee to achieve this.


60/06 Meetings: noted

Action for Rural Communities 27 June 2006 EU Town Twinning conference 18-21 May 2006 61/06

Date of next meeting:

The Parish Annual Meeting will be followed by the AGM of the Parish Council and the Parish Council Meeting date to be confirmed.

The meeting closed at 9.55pm