Wellow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs Sue Wordsworth Courtland House Wellow BA2 8PU tel 01225 836181 email chrisandsuewordsworth@hotmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on

Monday 18th April 2005 at 8pm.

47/05 Apologies for absence

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Humphreys, Martin (Chairman), Pike and Watson. In attendance: clerk and 8 members of the public. Apologies accepted: Cllr Elvin on holiday.

48/05 Minutes of meeting held on 21st March 2005

Min no 46/05:It was noted that the date of the next meeting was Monday 18th April 2005. Subject to this amendment the minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

49/05 Matters of report arising and not on the agenda


50/05 Declarations of interest


51/05 Public participation

Stewart Cole advised that hedge trimmings have been left on Mill Hill and should be cleared up by owner, he will advise Clerk if action needs to be taken. It was agreed that Stewart Cole would weed the high level pavement opposite the school.

52/05 Planning

a) The process of commenting on planning applications was deferred to the next meeting.

b) It was noted that there were no new planning applications within the parish.

c) The resubmission of the application from The Cottage, The Square, Wellow for a conservatory has been heard and a decision by the Planning Committee is deferred pending a site visit.

d) There was a lengthy discussion about The Batch. Cllr Watson made a personal submission making clear his view that the Planning Department had failed to properly consult with the Parish Council and that their lack of involvement and expertise had resulted in a missed opportunity to achieve a good design and enhancement of The Batch, which is community space. It was noted that

· the s106 agreement between B&NES and the developers of Weavers Farm had been adhered to but that it was made without including the views of the Parish Council

· the developers had not accepted the offer made by the Parish Council to provide and purchase natural granite setts because of time and cost constraints brought about by the additional expense of having to rebuild the Waggon House.

· the Chairman and Councillors highly valued Cllr Watson's contributions to these current issues and to future planning debates and a vote of confidence in Cllr Watson was unanimously carried.

It was resolved that a letter would be sent to the Leader of the Council, Executive Member and MP making clear the disappointment and frustration of the Parish Council about the mishandling of the design and planning process in this particular development situated at the heart of the village.

The Chairman advised that BANES were to receive additional funding of £247,000.00 as a consequence of improving their performance in actioning planning applications. It is anticipated that this will be spent on restructuring and sub area spatial planning. It was resolved to ask for this funding to be spent on activities designed to improve the monitoring and enforcement of decisions. AM

e) To note decision permitted for 05/00481/FUL: Wellow Farm Barn, change of use of existing cowshed to agricultural/domestic use and provision of access track.

53/05 Finance

Two amendments were made to the Finance report dated 18 April changing the dates of b) (i) (ii) to April and deleting March.

Payment to Lexis Nexis for a book on Local Council Administration was added b) (v) Payments and receipts were approved.

It was decided that a review of Insurance requirements was needed to check that the cover was sufficient and competitive. GL

54/05 Transport Capital Programme

Cllrs Watson, Betts and Martin to meet with Neil Terry of B&NES Council Highways Department on 19 April re traffic calming scheme to cobble and restrict traffic at three entrances to Wellow. Funded by s.106 payment from the Peasedown Industrial Estate.

55/05 Playground improvements

It has been recommended that safety barriers for the swings should be provided. Purpose built safety barriers are expensive and it was decided that a post and rail fence would be better value for money. Costings to be sought. GL

56/05 CPRE National village of the year competition

It was decided not to enter the village this year but to consider entering pending the outcome of the Parish Plan.

57/05 Any other business

The AGM will be held next month. Any members not wishing to continue their office should advise the clerk. Cllr Humphries, Vice Chairman, said that he would particularly welcome new and younger people to his role and that because of work and personal commitments he would be happy to make way for another candidate.

The railings of Packhorse Bridge and the raised pavement may require maintenance. It was decided to contact B&NES Council to check that they meet Health and Safety requirements and whether they are included in a repainting schedule. SB

Also to check if a dog excrement bin can be provided and fixed at the entrance of the village hall drive and included on the refuse collection schedule. SB

To contact Highways Department about the poor road surface at the Combe Hay Bridge. MW

To add Car Park Area to next agenda as Cllr Halewood has been contacted about this again. SW

Apologies have been received from B&NES Council that the Parish council was not notified about the drainage works, which were carried out at the bottom of Bulls Hill.

58/05 Date of next meeting

The AGM and Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 16 May 2005 at 7.30pm. Afterwards there will be a short audio visual presentation at 7.45pm by John Price Project Co-ordinator of the Colliers Way, which is the walking and cycling route, which will pass through Wellow. This will be followed by the regular monthly meeting of the Parish Council.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm