Wellow Parish Council


Geoff White

Myrtle Cottage, Wellow, BA2 8QS

Tel:  01225 830159

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 10th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs Halewood, Colston, Martin, Watson, Lewis, Pike, Betts and Witty

Four members of the public in attendance.


1.  Election of Chairman

The outgoing Chairman, Alex Martin referred to a note he had circulated advising members of his intention not to seek re election to the Parish Council at the next elections in May 2011 and as a consequence his belief that it was appropriate that he stand down as Chairman to allow a new Chairman to be elected which would offer a degree of continuity. He vacated his seat and invited Mr. R Holland to undertake the process for the election of a new Chairman.

 No nominees were forthcoming and Cllr Halewood asked Cllr Martin to reconsider given this situation. Cllr Martin reluctantly agreed but stressed his intention not to seek reelection to the Parish Council in 2011. Members voted unanimously that Cllr Martin be re elected as Chairman who resumed his seat. 

 2.  Election of Vice-Chairman

Cllr Betts advised that she had been canvassing amongst members for a new Chairman and had sought the agreement of Cllr Andrews who had advised that she would reconsider next year but would be happy to assist in carrying out roles of Vice Chairman. It was agreed that joint Vice Chairmen was acceptable and Cllr Betts proposed that both Cllr Lewis and Cllr Andrews be elected as Vice Chairmen. This was agreed unanimously.

 3.  Appointment of Sub-Committee and Subject Leaders:

Existing position holders were prepared to accept re nomination with the exception of Cllr Witty for school governor. All were therefore unanimously re elected.

a)  Planning-Cllrs Martin and Watson

b)  Finance- Cllrs Martin, Andrews and Lewis

c)  Burial Board- Cllrs Andrews and Pike

d)  Village Hall Committee-Cllr Betts

f)  Rights of Way and Enforcement-Cllrs Colston and Pike

g)  Playground- Cllr Lewis

i)   Parish Plan-Cllrs Halewood and Colston.

There were no nominees for the position of school governor and it was reluctantly decided to advise the Chairman of School Governors that we were unable to provide a Parish Council representative.

5.  Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer

It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk be re appointed as RFO.

6.  Resolution on continued banking arrangements

It was unanimously agreed to continue banking arrangements with Nat West Bank

AM 24.05.10