Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of Wellow Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 12th May 2003 starting at 7.30pm.

Present; Ms S Betts, Mr. A Colston, Mr. A Elvin, Mr. D Halewood, Mr. R Humphreys, Mr. G Lewis, Mr. A Martin, Mr. G Pike, Mr. M Watson, Cllr. Whittington (retiring chair). District Cllr Dawson and The Clerk.

The Annual Parish Meeting

APM/03/1 Apologies:

There were none.

APM/03/2 Minutes:

The minutes of the two meetings held 20th May 2002 had been signed.

APM/03/3 Matters Arising:

There were none.

APM/03/4 Chairman’s Report.

Retiring chairman, Cllr Whittington, welcomed all councillors old and new on being elected. He expressed his thanks and commiserations to the unsuccessful candidates, with special appreciation to Erica Smith for her work on the Playground. He also thanked the clerk.

The council had met 11 times and considered 10 new planning applications. Ongoing items were

Parish Sweeper Scheme. Reviewed by B&NES. New controls introduced, proposal to pay £0.31 per linear meter. The job specification is to be reviewed. A further review of the whole scheme will follow from 2004/05.

New audit Scheme had been introduced. An Internal auditor was appointed. The Annual Return 2001/02 was signed off under new procedures without problem. The audit certificate has been received.

Risk Assessment Document. Had been prepared.

Data Protection Act. The paperwork completed, submitted and duly registered.

Freedom of Information Act. 2000. The Model Scheme has been accepted. Listing of available information by inspection or photocopy at a charge of 10p per A4 sheet. Clerk requires 5 days written notice.

Race Relations (Amendment Act) The council resolved to carry out the duties imposed under this act.




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2002/03 £700.00 paid to Wellow & Shoscombe Joint Burial Board.

£1650.00 paid to Wellow Village Hall

£1200.00 paid to Village Shop (£600.00 grant &£600.00 loan since repaid) £600.00 grant agreed for 2003/04

Payments to be reviewed and considered on an annual basis.

New Playground Equipment £800.00 put aside--installed last week.

New computer £581.63

Parish Requests: 20mph speed limit, now in process of implementation. 7.5 tonne weight limit, to be investigated in 2004/05. Pavement from Canteen Lane to Stoney Littleton rejected by B&NES as too expensive. Cobbled pavement from Manor Close to The Square. Cllr Watson to explore the possibility of a painted pavement.

The chairman thanked Cllr Watson for his work in dealing with these matters.

Financial. Precept for 2002/03 £8335.00. 2002/04 a 2.5% increase to £8543.00 with £910.00 being taken from reserves.

End of year balances (2002/03) Current £961.30, Reserve £5710.06, Total £6671.39

Unresolved Matters.

Signal Box. Recent appeal dismissed. Costs awarded against appellant to be decided.

Willow Farm Recycling Plant

Peasedown St John Development

Hinton Hill

Housing Development Boundary

Folly Down.

APM/ 03/5 Date of next meeting.

Third Monday of May 2004 at 7.30


The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

AMPC/03/1 Signing of Declaration of Office.

All elected councillors signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and in doing so made an undertaking to observe the Council’s Code of Conduct.

AMPC/03/2 Election of chairman for the year.

Retiring Chairman Cllr. Whittington asked for nominations for the position of chairman. Cllr Martin was nominated by Cllr. Humphreys; proposed by Cllr. Halewood and seconded by Cllr. Watson. As there were no other nominations, Cllr Martin was elected as chairman for the year. Cllr Whittington then retired to the public area, and congratulated Cllr Dawson on her re-election




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AMPC/03/3 Signing of Declaration of Office.

Cllr Martin signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as chairman.

Following his appointment Cllr Martin thanked the departing councillors. David Phillips, who served for four years, always willing to give his usually, thought provoking opinions and Erica Smith, who had also served for four years. She had been a valuable member and led by example.

The Vice-chairman, Chris Hurdle, who was a School Governor, had stood down. He had brought to The Council an ability to crystallise complex matters and express them in a concise manner.

The Chairman, Richard Whittington, also stood down. He had served for 12 years, four years as chairman, and had been a member of the Burial Board, Village Hall Committee and Finance Committee. Cllr. Bartholomew who prided himself, as being the representative of "the older generation" had not sought re election but has advised of his intention to do so at the next opportunity. He welcomed newly elected members, mentioning that Cllr. Pike had returned after several years. He noted items outstanding including: Recycling plant, Signal Box, traffic and parking. At the count for the recent election he had noticed a distinct polarisation within The Parish and stressed that the council must represent the whole Parish.


AMPC/03/4 Election of Vice-chairman for the year.

The Chairman asked for nominations for the position of vice-chairman, and nominated Cllr. Humphreys. Cllr. Watson proposed and Cllr. Elvin seconded the nomination. As there were no other nominations Cllr Humphreys was elected. He said that he was delighted to welcome new members to the council. The old council would provide continuity in the coming year, and welcome the younger members coming to the point of being the structure of the council.

AMPC/03/5 Appointment of Sub-Committee and Subject Leaders.

The following were appointed and list will be put on public display on notice board.

Finance Cllrs Martin and Humphreys

Burial Board Cllrs Pike and Elvin

Representative & Trustee Village Hall Cllr Betts

Rights of Way & Environment Cllrs Elvin & Colston

Playground Cllrs Betts & Lewis (To consider Playing Field)

Task Force All Cllrs, Richard Whittington and Richard Holland

Village Plan Cllrs Colston, Halewood, Humphreys, and Martin.

Position of School Governor not filled. Clerk to discuss with the school.

Arrangements regarding Planning issues to remain as at present, which involves all councillors.

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AMPC/03/6 Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer.

The Clerk, Mrs. J Morphew, was re-appointed Responsible Officer in relation to Financial Affairs of the Parish.

AMPC/03/7 Banking Arrangements.

The clerk expressed that she was content with present banking arrangements, and proposed the account to remain with National Westminster at Midsomer Norton. This was agreed unanimously.

AMPC/03/8 Date of Next meeting.

Third Monday of May 2004 at 7.30.