Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday 12th May 2003, after the Annual meetings, in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (chair) Pike, and Watson.

In attendance:

The clerk and eight parishioners.

2003/79 Apologies:

None received.

2003/80 Minutes of the previous meeting:

The minutes of the meeting held 28th April 2003 were confirmed by the re-elected councillors as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the chairman.

2003/81 Matters arising:

There were no matters arising.

2003/82 Cllr. Dawson report:

The following report was delivered by Cllr. Dawson in the Parish AGM having to leave early to attend the AGM of Freshford and is recorded here to accord with the agenda.

Cllr Dawson thanked the village for the support she received at the election and co-operation of the Parish Council. Issues she spoke of were i) B&NES standard admission policy at schools to give priority to siblings over local children. This affects Wellow and will work to change this. ii) 3 The Square, further action to be taken. iii) Hinton Hill must be done. Will fight to get money allocated next year. iv) Expressed pride in the shop. v) Recycling facility to be dealt with.

Answering a question from the floor re Signal Box said that she would press for enforcement action.

2003/83 Declarations of interest:

There were no declarations of interest.

2003/84 Public participation:

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr. S Cole wished his thanks be passed to Erica Smith. He was angry that someone had sprayed and killed the wallflowers on the High Pavement. He reported that shrubs were growing over the pavement next to Hungerford Terrace.

Action: The Clerk.

The Chairman re-convened the meeting.

2003/85 Election results:

The Clerk confirmed that the election results had been displayed at three points in the village.

2003/86 Model Code of Conduct and form received from B&NES Solicitor

To newly elected cllrs. The Clerk passed a) Letter stating responsibilities. b) Form to be completed re Register of Interests and c) Copy of the Code. A form to confirm that interests have not changed was signed by Cllrs. Elvin, Humphreys and Watson. A Register of Interests form was passed to Cllr. Martin to amend his declaration.

Completed forms to be returned to the clerk by Wednesday 21st May 2003.

A Copy of "The good councillors Guide" was passed for circulation to newly appointed councillors. The clerk reminded them that the information will become available for public scrutiny.

Action: The Clerk

2003/87 Village Hall extension.

Letter received from Mrs. Wych, chair Magic Box Pre-School, requesting information re rent and leasing agreement. Clerk to contact and arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal.

Action: The Clerk

2003/88 Community Action presentation.

Proposal that a C.A.representative attend a Parish Council meeting to discuss rural transport funding was agreed.

Action: The Clerk

2003/89 Training for councillors.

Cllrs. Betts and Colston expressed interest in attending an ALCA training day, Saturday 13th September 2003.

Action: The Clerk

2003/90 Planning.

a) Tiles at Weavers Farm Development.

Cllr. Watson reminded members of the situation regarding the roof tiles. He explained that the first set was rejected as not being of a quality, which would satisfy N.H.B.C. regulation. A new brown tile acceptable to The Planning Officer had been chosen, but the tiles being fitted were red which had caused adverse comment in the village. Alternative solutions were discussed including using different tiles on the roofs that were most visible. The enforcement officer was visiting the site that day, and he would visit the site the following morning. Cllr Watson was asked to draft a letter to the planning authority, which the clerk will forward.

Action Cllr. Watson.

b) New applications.

i) App 03/01110/FUL by Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Teazel Cottage, Wellow for single storey rear extension was discussed. The meeting agreed to support the application.

c) Decisions received.

i) App 03/00621/VAR re windows at Weavers Farm. Permitted.

As the notification was not specific, Cllr Watson requested the clerk ask planning officer for confirmation that the grey/green windows were accepted.

ii) Proposed work to trees at Vera House and Knightsfield No objection.

iii) The Signal Box. Inspector’s decision on appeal and decision on application for an award of cost was noted. To be added to circulation envelope.

2003//91 Financial Report.

A) Current Account Statement dated 6th May 2003 to show balance of £5364.37 to include receipt of £273.50 from B&NES re March Street Cleaning.

Cheques not presented. 882 S Cole 175.04

883 C Kyte 65.64

885 ALCA 86.28

886 CPRE 25.00

887 Village Hall 825.00

888 Parish Mag 70.00

889 Cornhill Ins 255.41

890 Parlour Shop 600.00

Total 2102.37

Reconciled Balance £3262.00 Reserve Account £5710.06

B) The Council accepted, with gratitude from the chairman, that Mr. Holland is willing to act as Internal auditor for the financial year 2002/03, at a fee of £30.00.

C) Accounts and Audit Regs. 2003 had been received from ALCA, and offer of new Practitioners Guide. Forms had been received from Mazars, External Auditors, to be considered by RFO and Mr. Holland who will arrange a meeting

Action: The Clerk.

D) The meeting agreed the clerk to purchase weed killer to spray nettles in Playing Field

along boundary of West End Cottages to garden of Windy Ridge, to the sum of £25.00

Action: The Clerk

E) Copies of budget proposals 2003/04 were passed to newly elected councillors.

F) Accounts agreed for payment.

a) Mr S Cole 218.80

b) Mr C Kyte 21.88

c) Mrs J Morphew; Salary 124.89, telephone 5.00, expenses 12. 43

Total £142.32

d) Barclaycard 17.53

e) Playforce 587.50

f) Longleat Forestry 117.97

g) Batsford Timber 60.17

h) Travis Perkins invoice outstanding. An amount up to £65.00 was agreed for payment.

G) The meeting agreed that all councillors plus The Clerk be signatories on the Parish Council accounts.

Copies of New Party Identification details were passed to newly elected councillors to be completed and returned to next meeting.

Authorised Signatories Sheet and chairman’s signature to be dealt with at next meeting.

Action: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Halewood, Lewis and Pike.

2003/92 Correspondence

a) 3 The Square. Cllr Dawson to follow up on the repair to cottage.

b) Reply to Mr. Hurdle’s E Mail to police re Council Tax to be added to circulation.

c) Poster re new entrance to emergency dept at RUH, Bath to be displayed

d) B&NES Local Transport Plan with invitation to presentation to be circulated.

e) Circulation; Envelopes of April and May meetings passed to councillors.

2003/93 Meetings

None notified

2003/94 Any other business

a) The chairman read Standing Order re AOB as agreed by Wellow Parish Council

b) Cllr Humphreys in welcoming the new councillors suggested that as The Council was starting a new four-year period, we should take the opportunity to concentrate upon matters of significant benefit to The Parish with less emphasis being paid to matters of routine administration. This should be reflected in the way in which the agenda is put together. The Chairman agreed to consider with Cllr. Humphreys and The Clerk.

c) The clerk requested that newly elected councillors forward telephone and E-mail information to her.

Action Cllrs Betts, Halewood, Colston, Lewis and Pike.

2003/95 Date of Next Meeting

Monday 16th June 2003 in the Village Hall

The time to be confirmed on the agenda, as, if a presentation re item 2003/88 is arranged, it will be at 7.30pm if not at 8pm.

Agenda day: Wednesday 11th June.2003

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm