Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council held on Monday 15th September 2003.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (chairman) Pike and Watson.

In attendance: The clerk and nine parishioners.

2003/136 Apologies:

From Cllr Dawson that she would be late (arrived during item 2003/144)

2003/137 Minutes of the previous meeting:

Cllr Humphreys requested that an alteration be made in item 2003/118, to say in fourth line " This led him to the conclusion that the issue was not of prejudicial interest, since numerous other parishioners were equally affected or to a greater degree."

With the alteration added, the minutes of the meeting held Monday 21st July 2003 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the chairman.

2003/138 Matters arising:

There were no matters arising.

2003/139 Cllr Dawson report:

In a written report, Cllr Dawson referred to:

Planning application by A G Phillips and Sons for a crusher. She had met with number of Wellow residents and points had been made which need to be explored as the planning decision was due the following Wednesday.

Footpath at bottom of Bath Hill: B&NES Traffic and Safety Officer had agreed a meeting on site next Thursday morning at 8am with Cllr Watson.

School admission policy: A press release had been forwarded to include a ruling that siblings of existing pupils are given a place at the school over children from the village. The Parish Council will be consulted.

Recycling at Fullers Earthworks: Recycling work is being carried out without consent.

Cllr Dawson to take this up with Cllr Todd and Officers for enforcement action.

2003/140 Declarations of interest:

Cllr Humphreys declared an interest in item 9 on the agenda (2003/144 in the minutes).

Cllr Watson declared an interest in item 15/A/iii and iv (2003/150/A/iii and iv in the minutes)

2003/141 Public participation:

The chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation:

i) Mr. Cole reported a blocked drain from access road to hall to Station Road causing a manhole cover to lift.

Action the clerk

ii) Mr. C Cook referring to the minutes of the last meeting asked for information regarding the Parish Plan and affordable housing.

Cllr Halewood explained the plan was in very early stages, a steering committee being set up and that residents would be consulted on matters to be included. The chairman confirmed the car park was owned by B&NES.

iii) Mr. R Holland reported on a brochure received "The Local Channel." It was a commercial company offering free web space to help Parish Councils, but in his opinion offered no more than the existing Wellow web site.

The chairman re-convened the meeting.

2003/142 Whynot Cottage:

The suggested option by B&NES Traffic Engineer to put a full-height kerb an appropriate distance from the property was not considered to be acceptable. Cllr Martin had written, but not received a reply, from Peter Brook, B&NES Head of Highways.

The subject will be raised at meeting with B&NES Traffic Engineer.

2003/143 Footpath adjacent to Alma Cottages:

Also to be raised at meeting with B&NES Traffic Engineer. Cllr Watson will propose that earth to be banked up and grassed to reduce the appearance of height of the wall constructed around the new development at Weavers Farm.

2003/144 Genetically Modified Food:

The chairman read the previously circulated correspondence from Dr Horton and his response. Councillors debated at length the possible implications of a ban on GM Food. Cllr Elvin proposed that " the Parish Council of Wellow are against the introduction of GM crops without further investigation", this was seconded by Cllr Watson. The proposal was carried by majority vote: 7 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.

2003/145 Rospa Inspection:

Cllrs Betts and Lewis had given all councillors a written report of the inspection undertaken at Wellow playground, identifying faults and risk levels. Copy to be retained on file. Cllr Lewis to inspect swings with view to removal if considered not safe. The chairman asked the councillors to report back to him with up to date prices, and to consider a longer-term view for the annual budget.

2003/146 ALCA Training Day:

Cllrs Betts and Colston had attended the ALCA Training Day on September 13th 2003, which they found very useful and particularly mentioned the advice service available from ALCA, the scope of influence of Parish Councils, how sponsorship could be obtained, and to be aware of grants available to encourage outside assistance. Clerk to contact ALCA to obtain more details.

Action the clerk.

2003/147 Norton Lane as Quiet Lane:

Cllr Colston reported that the concept was for a network of lanes. Cllr Elvin was concerned that the lane was not safe and suggested that signs be put each end asking for extreme care. Cllr Dawson thought it a great concept and cost would be borne by B&NES. The proposal by Cllr Elvin, and seconded by Cllr Lewis "That Norton Lane be considered a pilot quiet lane" was agreed by eight votes to one.

2003/148 20mph speed limit:

Cllr Watson recapped that an advisory 20mph speed limit had been promised by the end of the year, and pressure must be brought to bear to get action. Cllr Betts stressed that Wellow was one of the few villages in the area without a speed limit. To be discussed at meeting with Traffic Engineer.

Action Cllr Watson

2003/149 Resignation of clerk:

As present clerk is leaving the village the position has been advertised, but as yet no response received. The chairman said it was preferable to recruit from the village, and asked for another Councillor to assist. Cllr Halewood agreed.

2003/150 Planning:

A) New applications

i) App 03/01004/FUL by Mr and Mrs. Halle, Oxleaze, Wellow. Information re materials to be used. Response forwarded.

ii) App 03/01904/FUL by Mrs. M K Pitt, Middle Twinhoe cottage for rear conservatory. Decision of no objection by Parish council forwarded.

iii) App 03/02000/FUL by Mr and Mrs. Banks, The Glebe, Wellow for two storey rear extension and veranda with glazed roof. Decision of no objection by Parish Council forwarded.

iv) App 03/02166/LBA by Mr and Mrs. Banks, The Glebe, Wellow re two storey rear extension and internal alterations following demolition of flat roof extension.

Decision of no objection to be forwarded.

v) App 03/02030/FUL by A L Brooks re use of field to park six cars. Decision to oppose the application to be forwarded.

B) Decisions received.

i) App 03/01344/FUL by Mr and Mrs. Wilkins. Retention of use of building for 5 livery stables Permitted

ii) App 03/01398/FUL by Mr Hawkins, The cottage, Canteen Lane for single storey rear conservatory Permitted

iii) App 00/02417/FUL re former Fullers Earth Works, Combe Hay. Secretary of State disagrees with the Inspector’s recommendation.

iv) App 03/01573/VAR by a G Phillips & Son to extend timescale at landfill


v) App WB 1600/W by Mr and Mrs. Horler, Weavers Farm, Wellow re conversion and extension of two barns to provide two dwellings and alterations to The Batch.


vi) Correspondence of decision re Definitive Map & Statement Modification Order re public footpath BA25/14. Deletion of the length of footpath from rear of Brunel House to High Street, Wellow.

C) Correspondence relating to Re-cycling plant at Willow Farm was read.

2003/151 Financial report:

A) Bank Statement dated 6th August 2003 shows balance of £653.29 to include refund from B&NES re street cleaning for July of £218.80. All cheques presented.

Payments made during August

i) Mr S Cole 218.80

ii) Mrs. J Morphew 129.89

iii) ROSPA 81.08

iv) Data Protection 35.00

B) Bank Statement dated 5th September 2003 shows balance of £899.69 to include refund from B&NES re closed churchyard to April 2003, refund from B&NES re street cleaning for August of £273.50 and credit of £50.00 from Wellow and District Horticultural Society for hire of playing field.

All cheques presented.

C) Accounts agreed for payment in September.

i) Mr S Cole 175.04

ii) Mr C Kyte 114.87

iii) Mrs. J Morphew 147.25

iv) ALCA 80.00

v) Wansdyke Inter village Quiz 5.00

2003/152 Car Park:

Work to infill the entrance to the car park has been completed.

A letter from Team Leader of Parking at B&NES had been received stating it has been suggested that the car park is under utilised and alternative use could be considered.

Cllr Martin said that as a former resident of Station Road it was his view that the car park was more used than generally thought, and at the moment there should be no link between the car park and affordable housing. The car park is a local amenity and should be retained for the village. This was agreed. Clerk to respond .

Action the clerk.

2003/153 The Disability Discrimination Act relating to Outdoor Public Play Areas:

Cllr Lewis stated that as equipment is upgraded the actions would be inline with recommendations. Cllr Betts suggested that as items were painted the colour scheme recommended should be used. Cllr Martin asked the councillors to identify items and costing to consider in budget for next year.

2003/154 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Archaeology in B&NES:

Cllr Watson had replied making the comment:" 3.1, 4th paragraph concerning the preservation and protection of scheduled ancient monuments. As you may well be aware, Wellow is very protective towards the Stoney Littleton Long Barrow and we would like to confirm that this paragraph should relate to the Long Barrow and that the setting is not just the immediate setting, but also the valley in which it sits."

2003/155 Correspondence:

i) Confirmation that the street at Weavers Farm Development is now accepted as "Weavers Orchard"

ii) Closure of Mill Hill from September 22nd for approximately one week, for work on surface of ford crossing. Information has been displayed at Hall, School & Notice Board.

iii) Proposed 7.5 tonne weight limit in Wellow Area. The limit will not be extended until repairs are carried out at Hinton Hill, and the existing signing will exist for the next 12 to 18 months.

iv) Inter village Quiz. The Parish Council agreed to enter a team. Cllr Elvin to select and captain a team.

v) Invitation from Peasedown St John to opening of Ecewiche Green. The chairman and one other to attend.

vi) Parish councils’ Basic Allowance and Travelling Expenses. Cllr Martin to reply.

vii) Letter from parishioner requesting permission to cut saplings in car park.

It is not for the Parish Council to respond, as the car park is the property of B&NES to whom he should ask permission. Clerk to inform parishioner

viii) Letter from a parishioner questioning whether the planning application for the crusher was for one or two pieces of equipment. Cllr Dawson agreed to pursue before the forthcoming planning meeting and to report back.

ix) One envelope of circulation items was passed to councillors.

2003/156 Meetings:

i) Wednesday 17th September 2003. Area B Development Control sub-committee. 5.30 at the Town Hall, Keynsham.

ii) Monday 22nd September 2003. Parish Cluster Meeting, 6pm to 8.30 at Wellow Village Hall.

iii) September 23rd 2003. Parish Liaison Meeting, 6.30pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Keynsham.

2003/157 Any Other Business:

i) Cllr Elvin a) asking for councillors to join quiz team. b) To note that Mr D Durrant had thanked him for supporting a failed planning application.

ii) Cllr Pike reported rubbish dumped in Dunkerton Lane. Recommended he contact Action line.

iii) Cllr Humphreys proposed an agenda item later to invite Hinton Charterhouse to talk about their fund raising. Cllr Martin proposed a small meeting with representatives of the Parish Council, and Horticultural Society to report back to the full council. This was agreed.

iv) Cllr Martin asked representatives of the Burial Board about overhanging trees at cemetery. Cllr Elvin confirmed that work was in hand to deal with these.

2003/158 Date of next meeting:

Monday 20th October 2003 at 8pm in the village hall.

(Agenda day Wednesday 15th October).

The chairman closed the meeting at 10.05pm.