Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday 16th June 2003, at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs Betts, Colston, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (chair), Pike and Watson

In attendance:

The clerk and four parishioners.

2003/96 Apologies:

Cllr Elvin and Cllr Halewood. The chairman expressed the condolences of the Parish Council to Cllr Halewood on the death of his father and requested the clerk send a card.

Action: the clerk

2003/97 Minutes of the previous meeting:

The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Annual Meeting of Wellow Parish Council and the monthly meeting of 12th May 2003 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the chairman.

2003/98 Matters arising:

There were no matters arising.

2003/99 Cllr Dawson report:

Cllr Dawson arrived during discussion on planning matters, and the chairman asked if she would report before the items of correspondence. She did not have anything to report and that is recorded here to accord with the agenda.

2003/100 Declarations of interest:

Cllr Colston declared an interest in item 14 on the agenda (2003/109 in the minutes) and Cllr Pike in 10/C (2003/105/C in the minutes)

2003/101 Public participation:

The chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr. S Cole reported that stones at edge of pavement were broken at two places in the village and pavement breaking up by the school field. Mrs. Sturm reported there was a large pothole in the square by the trough.

Action: the clerk

Mr. Cole expressed concern at the speed of traffic in the village. The chairman told him that the local authority did loan equipment to conduct traffic surveys and the Parish Council may give consideration to this.

The chairman re-convened the meeting

2003/102 Model Code of Conduct:

The clerk confirmed that requirements of the code had been met and the Register of Members Interest was complete.

2003/103 School Governor:

Cllr Pike has agreed to fill the position and the school has been informed.

2003/104 Communication of Agenda and Minutes:

All councillors to receive the Agenda and Minutes by E Mail except Cllr Elvin who will receive a paper copy.

2003/105 Planning:

A) New applications have been circulated.

i) App 02/02320/FUL Amended drawings re Summerhouse at Vera House, Railway Lane. Mr. D Durrant. Response has been forwarded that the Parish Council remained opposed to the application.

ii) App 03/01004/FUL Amended drawings re Oxleaze, Wellow. Mr. and Mrs. Halle.

Response has been forwarded that the Parish Council has reservations regarding the application and wish for plans to be resubmitted.

iii) App 03/01344/FUL Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, Norton Lane, Wellow, for retention of use of building for 5no. livery stables. The meeting agreed to support the application.

iv) App 03/01394/REN Mr. Hawkins, The Cottage, Canteen Lane, Wellow, for erection of single storey rear conservatory. The meeting agreed to support the application.

B) Decisions received

i) Proposed works to trees at Homelea Cottage, Wellow. No objection

C) Proposal to divert Public Footpath BA25/40 at White Ox Mead was discussed. There were no objections, clerk to inform B&NES Rights of Way Officer.

Action: the clerk

D) Whynot Cottage. The chairman referred to a letter from the owner stating that she wished to build a small stone wall at the front of her property to reduce the damage to the corner of her property. Steve Gees of B&NES had proposed that three feet metal bollards be erected but the meeting did not consider this would be effective. Cllr Pike suggested a high stone kerb but it was agreed the problem of traffic at that corner was larger. The clerk to contact Neil Terry to request a site visit with councillors to discuss.

Action: the clerk

E) Colour of windows at Weavers Farm development. E-mail from planning officer to confirm that grey/green was the colour to be used.

F) Coloured Pavement by Alma Cottages. Cllr Watson explained that the proposal for the pavement from the Weavers Farm development to the Square was that it would be on the side of Weavers Farm. This would throw the cars nearer to Alma Cottages, whose doors open directly onto the street, and was a dangerous to all. Speaking on behalf of the residents of Manor Close, Mrs. Sturm advised of the danger to the residents who would be forced to cross the road at the entrance of Manor Close, and in support of the pavement being on the side of Alma Cottages. The meeting asked Cllr Watson to draft a note to B&NES stating the Parish Council resolved that the requirement for the pavement in front of Alma Cottages was of paramount importance, and proposing the coloured tarmac strip as in the photograph already supplied was acceptable.

Action: Cllr Watson

2003/106 Parish Plan:

Cllr Colston updated the meeting on progress to date. The strategy was being addressed, and advice taken from various quarters including visiting a nearby parish that was further advanced than Wellow. Individuals and groups in the Parish will be sent leaflets requesting inputs on any aspects they felt affected the parish. Public meetings will be held and further opportunity will be made available to all to comment at the Flower Show in August. Cllr Humphreys confirmed that the Plan must be a full representation of the parish.

2003/107 Financial Report:

A) Bank statement dated 6th June 2003 shows balance of £2856.99, to include receipts of VAT refund for 370.36, Interest on Horton Starkie Trust Fund of 150.12 and B&NES refund for street cleaning during April of £218.80

Cheque not presented 892 to Mr. Kyte for £21.88

Reconciled balance £2835.11

Business Reserve account remains at £5710.06

B) Accounts agreed for payment

i) Mr. S Cole £175.04

ii) Mr. C Kyte £54.70

iii) Mrs. J Morphew: salary £124.89, telephone £5.00, expenses£9.75, weed killer£ 8.25

Total £147.89

iv) Mr. R Holland as Internal Auditor £30.00

vi) Travis Perkins from meeting of May 12th £63.38 (2003/91/F/h)

C) Accounts for financial year 2002/03

i)The chairman read the report from the Internal Auditor. He was satisfied with the accounts, but made the point that there was an omission relating to internal control where the routine half yearly audit by the finance sub committee had not been completed. The chairman will write to external auditor saying this will be reinstated.

Action: The Chairman

 ii)The council agreed to adopt the accounts for 2002/03, and the meeting gave the chairman the authority to sign off the annual return.

Action: The Chairman

D) The chairman read a letter from the chairman of the Wellow Village Shop Association thanking the Parish Council for the grant made to the shop.

2003/108 Query by Cllr Pike re Insurance:

The chairman confirmed to Cllr Pike that Wellow Parish Council was insured adequately to cover accidental damage.

2003/109 Party after Flower Show:

On behalf of Cllr Halewood, Cllr Colston requested the Parish Council give permission to extend time of the party to 1am. The chairman asked that if the application for an extension was brought to the next meeting, the applicants should demonstrate an acceptance of this by those in the immediate vicinity of the playing field.

2003/110 Correspondence:

A) Letter from owner of 3 The Square to the chairman was read.

B) ROSPA confirmed the Playground Inspection would take place during June.

C) Letter from B&NES re naming of street to Weavers Farm development.

The developer had requested consideration be given to "Wessex Chase".

All councillors objected to this name, and wished for something more relevant to the village. The village to be asked for suggestions through the Parish Magazine.

Action: the clerk

D) One envelope for circulation was passed to the councillors

2003/111 Meetings:

None Notified

2003/112 Any Other Business

There was none

2003/113 Date of next meeting

Monday 21st July 2003

This meeting will start at 7.30 with a presentation by Julie Doughty of Community Action on New Streams of Rural Transport.

Agenda Day, Wednesday 16th July

The chairman closed the meting at 9.15pm