Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday 21st July 2003, at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Prior to the full meeting, Julie Doughty of Community Action gave a short presentation to the Council on New Streams of Rural Transport. She gave examples of projects which could be supported; Community Car Schemes, Dial-a-Ride Schemes, Wheels-to-Work Schemes, Taxi Buses, and Green Projects. Questions from councillors were then taken and answered.

Present: Cllrs Colston, Elvin, Halewood, Humphreys, Lewis, Martin (chair) Pike, and Watson.

In attendance:

The clerk and eight parishioners.

2003/114 Apologies:

District Cllr Dawson and Cllr S Betts.

2003/115 Minutes of the previous meeting:

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16th June 2003 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the chairman.

2003/116 Matters arising:

There were no matters arising.

2003/117 Cllr Dawson report:

With her apology for absence by E Mail Cllr Dawson proposed that Norton Lane would be suitable for designation as a "quiet lane." It was felt that this suggestion required time to research the web site, which had not been available prior to the meeting, and therefore it was agreed that it should be considered at the September meeting.

2003/118 Declaration of interest:

Cllr Humphreys explained his reasoning for not declaring an interest in item11/A/i on the agenda (2003/124/A/i in the minutes). He read out a letter from B&NES Solicitor, in response to his enquiry concerning his interest in a prior planning application by AG Phillips, for a waste processing plant. This led him to the conclusion that the issue was not of personal or prejudicial interest. As the application for the landfill site was more remote, he concluded there was not an issue.

Cllr Colston later declared an interest in item 11/A/ii on the agenda (2003/124/A/ii in the minutes)

2003/119 Public participation:

The chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

i) Mr. S Cole stated he was unhappy with item 17 on the agenda, re low cost housing on the car park.

ii) Ms Angela Dudley, owner of Whynot Cottage, Wellow, spoke of her attempts to avoid damage to her property, mostly caused by big lorries and agricultural vehicles. A stopcock in the verge was liable to be broken, and she was concerned that the foundations could be damaged. She was seeking a method that would ensure vehicles were guided away from the property and would meet with the village’s approval.

iii) On behalf of the Village Hall Management Committee, Mr. R Holland, explained the problem with storage. The existing container was now full and new groups needed space. He asked for the support of the Parish Council in an application, as a temporary measure, to increase the number of containers for storage to help in the running of the hall.

iv) Mr. G Hewlett expressed his opinion that the application for extension of the landfill site and waste processing plant should not be linked, and that there was no finite end to the landfill.

The chairman re-convened the meeting.

2003/120 Name of new street at Weavers Farm development:

Suggestions had been received from parishioners, and these were read by the chairman.

It was proposed and seconded that the name Weavers Orchard be forwarded to B&NES and the developer, with the added suggestion that the houses be called after the name of apples.

Action the Clerk

2003/121 Whynot Cottage:

The chairman read a letter from B&NES Highways inspector referring to a site meeting and proposing a short length of full height kerbing be situated at the corner of the property. This was not accepted by the meeting, Cllr Halewood pointed out that the neighbours had the same problem on their property. Cllr Watson proposed, and Cllr Pike seconded, that a granite post or posts be placed in position as a temporary measure while a more radical solution is found. The local authority is to be informed of this.

Action Cllr Watson.

2003/122 Parish Plan:

Cllr Colston reported on a public meeting held on July 9th 2003, attended by 19 interested parties. Only one person had volunteered to join a steering group. He proposed that members be co-opted, and advised that liaison with other parties were in hand.

2003/123 Quality Parish Council:

Cllr Martin advised that notification had been received from Alun Michael, Minister for Rural Affairs with a guide to Quality Parish Council status. He reminded members that it was agreed policy that Wellow Parish Council had decided to obtain certification, but did not demonstrate all requirements, and proposed that himself and the clerk meet to return to another meeting with recommendations of how to achieve these requirements.

Action Cllr Martin and the clerk.

2003/124 Planning:

A) New applications

i) App 03/01573/VAR by AG Phillips & Sons re permission to extend timescale by five years to allow completion of landfill works. A summary of comments from Councillors, which unanimously opposed the application, was read by chairman. This has been forwarded to Planning Services.

Cllr Watson proposed that the chairman make a representation of the points of view of Wellow Parish Council at the B&NES planning meeting of July 23rd 2003 to oppose the application. This was unanimously approved.

Action Cllr Martin

ii) App 03/01479/RES by JS Bloor, for on site access road, strategic landscape and services at land between A367, Wellow Lane and Eckweek Lane, Peasedown St John.

Comments from Cllrs were noted. Cllr Halewood stated the Parish Council must remain vigilant as more applications will follow and more funds may become available. Comments and agreement to support the application, providing the terms of the previous 106 agreement be still on offer as a minimum, to be forwarded to Planning Services

Action the clerk

B) Decisions received

i) App 03/01110/FUL by Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Teazel Cottage, Wellow re single storey extension had been permitted.

C) Correspondence re planning

i) The chairman read a letter from secretary of Village Hall Management Committee re two new storage containers, which they hoped to site at the rear of the Village Hall. Cllr Humphreys advised of a possible source of a facility, which may meet the need and agreed to pass on this information. The meeting agreed that although unsightly there seemed no other alternative and a proposal by Cllr Pike and seconded by Cllr Colston was passed unanimously to support the committee when the application is made providing suitable screening is incorporated in the application and subject to the above investigations.

2003/125 Financial report:

A) Bank statement dated 4th July 2003 shows balance of £2856.40, to include refund from B&NES re street cleaning for May of £273.50 and June of £218.80

All cheques presented.

Business Reserve statement dated 2nd July 2003 shows interest to 30th June of £17.80 and balance of £5727.86.

B) Accounts agreed for payment.

i) Mr. S Cole 175.04

ii) Mr. C Kyte 92.99

iii) Mrs. J Morphew, Salary 124.89, Telephone 5.00, Total 129.89

iv) Barclaycard re Ink Refills 23.99

C) Accounts agreed for payment in August

i) Mr. S Cole 218.80

ii) Mr. C Kyte allow to 80.00

iii) Mrs. J Morphew, Salary 124.89, Telephone 5.00 Total 129.89

iv) Rospa 80.00

v) Data Protection 40.00

D) Banking arrangements with National Westminster Bank. Identifications from all newly appointed councillors were provided. All councillors signed list of signatories. Forms to be completed and forwarded to the bank.

Action Cllr Martin and the clerk.

E) Transfer of £2000.00 from Current to Business Reserve account. The meeting agreed and signed authority

Action the clerk

2003/126 Village of the Year Competition:

The poster to notify the competition has been placed on notice boards.

2003/127 Genetically Modified Food:

Councillors had been circulated a letter from a parishioner requesting the Parish Council write to B&NES advising of a wish to follow Norton Radstock’s lead and declare themselves to be a GM Free Zone. Concern was expressed as to whether this was part of the Parish Council’s remit, whether it was legal etc. Cllr Elvin asked that all members read the literature provided and to discuss the matter at the September meeting. This was agreed.

2003/128 Guide to The Disability Discrimination Act:

The guide was passed to Cllr Lewis for consideration, with Cllr Betts and report to September meeting.

Action Cllrs Betts and Lewis.

2003/129 Security at Playing Field:

Cllr Lewis had received a request for a bolt to be fitted to outside of gate at entrance to the Play Area The meeting agreed, and Cllr Lewis offered to purchase and fit.

Action Cllr Lewis

2003/130 Affordable housing at Car Park:

A parishioner had requested the Parish Council consider affordable housing at the Car Park. It was agreed that this should be added to the list of suggestions for inclusion in The Parish Plan.

2003/131 ALCA Training Day:

Cllrs Betts and Colston to attend training on 13th September 2003.

2003/132 Correspondence:

i) A reply from Neil Terry of B&NES to E Mail from the Parish Council proposing a painted pavement from Manor Close was read. Clerk to ask residents of Manor Close for further observations.

Action the clerk.

ii) Parish Sweeper Scheme. The chairman reported on queries made to letter regarding manual and mechanical sweeping in the parish. It is expected that further correspondence will follow.

iii) Notification that Stoney Littleton Lane is due to be resurfaced before end of September 2003

iv) 3 envelopes of circulation were passed to councillors.

2003/133 Meetings:

i) 23rd July 2003. Bath and District Community Health Council, Stallard Street, Trowbridge.

ii) 22nd September 2003. Parish Cluster meeting at 6pm to 8.30 in Wellow Village Hall.

2003/134 Any other business:

Cllr Lewis reported he had inspected the play area following a report of broken glass. It was now cleared.

Cllr Watson suggested that he contact Neil Terry of B&NES, with a view to speeding up the 20mph limit, by offering to design and erect the signs, and then charge B&NES.

2003/135 Date of next meeting:

Monday 15th September 2003 at 8pm in the Village Hall

Agenda day Wednesday 10th September.

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm
