Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday 28th April 2003 at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs Bartholomew, Elvin, Smith, Phillips, Humphreys, Watson, Martin, Hurdle and Whittington (chair)

In attendance: The clerk and five Parishioners.

2003/60 Apologies; District Cllr Gitte Dawson.

2003/61 Minutes of the previous meetings. The minutes of the meeting of 17th February 2003 had been adjusted as per 2003/40 and were signed.

The minutes of the meeting held 17th March 2003 have been circulated and were signed with an alteration 2003/45/7 that the estimated cost of Hinton Hill be in excess of £300.000

2003/62 Matters arising. Re 2003/53/a Cllr Bartholomew said the information from the Bus Company was inadequate near the Bus Stops. He had obtained a timetable, which was passed to Cllrs, and proposed copies be distributed with the Parish Magazine.

Cllr Hurdle offered to have a version laminated Action Cllr Hurdle.

2003/63 District Cllr Dawson report: The clerk had received an E mail from Cllr Dawson stating that a parishioner had pleaded for her again to get double yellow lines put opposite his house. She requested the meeting’s view. Cllr Martin has previously visited the parishioner and explained that the Parish Council does not support yellow lines in the village. Cllr Phillips expressed great concern regarding the traffic in the Village stating "Something must be done before there is a serious incident" Cllr Martin responded that because this is a major item it should be a major feature in the Village Plan.

Action to reply, the clerk.

Cllr Dawson also reported the following;

1) Apparently the owners of the Peasedown St John Industrial site now want the land re-allocated to part housing. She will investigate the opinion of the planning policy people.

2) Advisory 20mph speed limit in Wellow. She understood that the type of sign is to be the same as Combe Hay.

3) The Signal Box. She thought that there is little doubt that the Inspector will come to the same conclusion as his predecessors, and referred to a letter in the Bath Chronicle.

( Copy of the appeal since received by the clerk)

4) 3 The Square. She has written to the owner reporting how much distress the lack of progress on his house is causing, and will approach the officers again to come and inspect.

She noted that the police was on the Agenda. With a 30% police precept increase she has written to the Chief Constable asking what service a village like Wellow can actually expect.

2003/64 Declaration of Interest; Cllr Martin declared an interest in item 14/c/2 on the agenda. (2003/73 /c/2 in the minutes)

2003/65 Public Participation; The chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation. Mr Holland had spoken on decision of the appeal, which was dismissed, regarding the Signal Box, during Cllr Dawson report. The chairman reconvened the meeting.

2003/66 Cllr Watson report

a) Weavers Farm Development; Cllr Watson reported that Cllrs Hurdle, Martin and himself had visited the site to view sample windows and the grey/green was preferred.

Tiles were being removed as existing old ones were condemned, and would be replaced with new, not bright, ones. He had seen a sample. He will write a draft letter to be sent to planning officer to state preference, as permission was for clay tiles and did not state old or new. Action Cllr Watson

b) 20 mph speed limit, and proposed weight limit. Cllr Watson reported on E Mail received from B&NES Highways confirming the proposed advisory 20mph speed limit during 2003 will be similar to Combe Hay. A design will be produced for the Parish Council to consider. And a scheme for implementation of the introduction of a weight limit to be investigated in 2004/05.

Cllr Watson passed round a photograph taken in Devon of possible way to deal with traffic and pavements. To be investigated.

2003/67 Police Budget and Council Tax. Cllr Hurdle reported he had also written to the Chief Constable, as had Cllr Dawson, but not received a reply.

2003/68 Cllr Martin had attended a meeting of the B&NES group of ALCA on 9th April 2003, primarily as street cleaning was on the agenda. The chairman of the meeting advised of the formation of a working party comprising 3 B&NES officers and 3 Parish Cllr to re examine proposals for street cleaning. No points were raised regarding the circulated notes.

2003/69 Parish agency scheme. No more detail to be reported, minutes of the above meeting now received.

2003/70 The Signal Box. A letter sent to selected residents re work at the Signal Box, of which the clerk had sent copy to the Police and Cllr Smith had replied in a private capacity. A discussion took place to decide if further action be taken. Cllr Watson proposed that a copy of all letters be taken by the clerk and passed to the District Cllr for advice on appropriate steps to take. Cllr Humphreys proposed to state that " The Parish Council is considering writing to the Signal Box for further clarification in respect of the fund. Please confirm you endorse that course of action and give us the benefit of your advice" Action the clerk

2003/71 Invitation from Community Action To be decided at meeting after election.

2003/72 Swings and new equipment at Playground. Cllr Smith reported the rusty links on swings had been replaced, this had been reported to ROSPA, and letter was passed to the clerk to this effect. The swings were now back in use.

The new equipment had been collected, and the supplier had given details of how to install. Cllr Smith will organise a Working Party in approximately two weeks time to install. Inspection by ROSPA to take place in June.

The chairman read an E Mail from Cllr Dawson stating that B&NES had no bulk buying arrangements with suppliers

2003/73 PLANNING

a) A late application had been received. App 03/01004/FUL by Mr and Mrs Halle, Oxleaze, Wellow for single storey side extension and extension of existing conservatory.

The meeting agreed that "No Comment" be forwarded as a decision.

b) Decisions received.

i) App 03/00386/FUL by Mr R Twose, 2 Tower View, High Street, Wellow, for single storey rear extension. Permitted.

Concern was expressed that B&NES had passed the application with no consideration for the policy of Wellow Parish Council, who had objected to the application. The clerk to write to Head of Planning Services to ask their policy. Action the clerk

ii) App 03/00179/FUL by Mr J Knight, Canteen Cottage, Canteen Lane, Wellow for alterations to garden store, construction of covered link and erection of porch. Permitted.

c) Notification of proposed work to trees at 1) The Hollies, Mill Hill to which a decision of No objection now received 2)Knightsfield 3) Vera House.

d) Decisions re work to trees 1) Windy Ridge 2) The Glebe. No Objections


A) Balances. Current Account Statement dated 4th April 2003 to show balance of £5232.83 to include receipts of £283.80 from B&NES re February Street Cleaning and Refuse Sacks refund,£2.00 village Hall ground rent and half year precept of £4271.50. All cheques presented. Balance at 31st March 2003 £961.33

Reserve Account Statement dated 2nd April 2003 shows balance of £5710.06 to include interest of £19.64 December/March 31st 2003.

Total end of year Current and Reserve Accounts £6671.39

B) Insurance cover. The meeting agreed to accept existing insurance cover, and not to insure new Playground equipment

C) Grasscutting The estimate of £34.12 plus VAT per cut on a fortnightly basis from March to October for Grasscutting of Playing Field and Playground by B&NES was accepted.

D) The Parlour Shop. The shop sent an apology that the amount of funding from the Parish Council was incorrectly stated in the recent Parish Magazine.

The meeting confirmed that an unconditional grant of £600.00 be made to the shop, for the year 2003/04 which will be reviewed annually and depend upon request from the shop.

E) Payments agreed

a ) Mr S Cole £175.04

b) Mr C Kyte 65.64

c) Mrs Morphew: salary 124.89(at new rate), telephone 5.00, expenses 12.07

Total 141.96

d) ALCA 86.28

e) CPRE 25.00

f) Village Hall 825.00

g) Donation to Parish Mag 70.00

h) Cornhill Insurance 255.41

i) The Parlour shop 600.00


a) Letter from owner of Whynot Cottage, Wellow. The meting asked the clerk to reply stating a Village Plan was being put together which would involve a study of road traffic movement within the Parish. Action the clerk.

b) Notes from Andrew Turner re meeting in connection with Highway matters.

To include Wellow Ford & it’s road surface, Farm Lane, Mill Hill and Hinton Hill

To be kept on file.

c) Notes re Parish Contact meeting of 24th March, including Hinton Hill as above and confirmation of 20mph speed limit in 2003/04.

d) Hinton Charterhouse Community Speed Watch Scheme. No interest was expressed.

e) Grit Bins. E mail from Cllr Dawson. Clerk to reply.

f) Letter Mrs R Wych re Village Hall Extension. Forward to next meeting.

g) Forms re Village of the year competition were passed to Cllr Elvin for completion.

h) The meeting complemented the clerk on receiving certificate from The Society of Local Council Clerks having passed the Induction Course.

Four envelopes of circulation were held to be passed to Cllrs at next meeting.

2003/76 MEETINGS None advised

2003/77 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Bartholomew expressed his regret that he had missed the date for nomination through illness. But said "I will be back"

Cllr Whittington, as retiring Cllr and Chairman, expressed his Thanks to all Cllrs past and present, and the clerk, for their support

Cllr Hurdle expressed his Thanks to Cllr Whittington for the work he had done for Wellow Parish Council.

Cllr Whittington stated the Renewal of Public Entertainment & Theatre Licences for Wellow Village Hall had been received. The Parish Council had no objections.





The chairman closed the meeting at 10.12pm