Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 20th January 2003 in The Village Hall

Present: Cllrs. Bartholomew, Elvin, Martin, Smith, Humphreys, Hurdle, and Phillips

District Cllr, Dawson (part) and Cllr Whittington (Chairman)

In attendance: The Clerk and three parishioners.

2003/1 Apologies.

An apology for absence had been received from Cllr Watson.

2003/2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held 16th December were unanimously confirmed as a true and accurate record and were accordingly signed by the Chairman.

2003/3 Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

2003/4 Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest

2003/5 Public participation

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation.

Mr S Cole advised of damage to the street sign at the junction of The High St and Farm Lane. It was agreed that The Clerk would inform the Highways Dept.

Action: Clerk

2003/6 The Ford, Wellow Brook

A letter from Mr A Turner of BANES Highways was read relating to the positioning of signage for the ford in which he pointed out that statutory consideration determined positioning of signs. It went on to advise that a new depth gauge had been ordered and the road surface of the ford would be attended to in the summer. Cllr Bartholomew advised that the depth gauge was urgent and it was agreed that The Clerk would pursue the matter.

Action: Clerk

Mr Turner further offered to meet with The Parish Council to discuss any matters relating to highways. It was agreed to accept this offer and ask him to attend a future meeting, which would be publicised in advance to encourage as much public participation as possible.

Action: Clerk

2003/7 Car Park approach

An e-mail from BANES replying to this Council’s request for maintenance to the Car Park approach was read advising that the matter was being considered by The Car Parks Manager. The Clerk was asked to pursue.

Action: Clerk

2003/8 Handling of Any Other Business

Cllr Hurdle reminded members of the frustration felt at previous meetings where it had been deemed not possible for a minor non-contentious proposal to be actioned as it contravened the rules relating to A.O.B. The Chairman reiterated the ruling given in the manual of procedure. Cllr Hurdle proposed, seconded by Cllr Humphreys: If it was the unanimous view of a meeting that matters of a non-contentious nature should be raised and actioned under A.O.B. this should be allowed. The proposal was carried, 7 for, 1 against

2003/9 BANES consultation database

The Chairman advised of a proposal from BANES to rationalise their consultation database, which at present was fragmented. It was not clear at whom the proposal was aimed, but it was felt that the Parish Council would automatically be consulted on any matter affecting The Parish and therefore we should not seek registration.

Cllr Dawson who joined the meeting after this item advised it was aimed at interest groups e.g. Residents Associations, Women’s Institutes etc and individuals with particular interests. She promised to give consideration to how groups and individuals would be advised of this opportunity and asked for names to be passed to her so that they may be contacted.

Action: Clerk

2003/10 School Governor

Cllr Hurdle advised members that he had served as School Governor for the past four years and would not be seeking re election to The Parish Council. This would therefore create a vacancy and he asked that those members who will be seeking re election, to consider if they would be prepared (if re elected) to stand for this important duty.

2003/11 Date of April Meeting

As the third Monday in April will be Easter Monday, it was agreed that the date of the April meeting will be Monday 28th.

2003/12 Parking on the Village Hall Car Park

Members were advised that a letter had been received from the Village Hall Committee regarding overnight parking of vehicles on the car park. It was recognised that the issue of parking is an emotive one and while it was agreed by a majority of 6 votes to 2, to put a piece in the newsletter advising that general parking on the Village Hall car park was not allowed, it was recognised that more attention needs paying to this subject. It was agreed that this would be a major consideration item in the proposed village plan.

Action: Clerk

2003/13 Items from District Councillor

Cllr. Dawson joined the meeting at this point and advised on two subjects: a) the consultation database (see minute no 2003/9) and b) the Parish Sweeping Scheme which seemed to have been resolved favourably as far as Wellow was concerned.

2003/14 Planning

Members were advised: a) no new applications had been received, and b) of a letter received from BANES confirming notifications from The Parish Council and one parishioner received regarding the local plan. (To be circulated)

2003/15 Financial Report

A. Balances:

The current account statement dated 6th January 2003 shows a balance of £1776.25,to include a receipt of £265.50 from BANES re November street cleaning.

Cheques not presented 864 S Cole £180.54, 865 C Kite £21.24

Reconciled balance £1574.47

Reserve account statement dated 2nd January 2003 shows a balance of £5690.42 to include interest of £5.18 for Sept/Dec 2002.

B. Accounts agreed for payment

a) Mr S Cole £169.92

b) Mrs J Morphew Salary £120.67, Tel.£ 5.00 Expenses £3.70 = £129.37

c) ALCA Standing orders etc £11.24

C. Report of Finance sub committee

The Finance Committee, Cllrs.Whittington, Martin and The RFO met 7th January to prepare budgetary proposals. These had been circulated with the agenda and are appended to these minutes. The proposals require an increase in spending, which will be financed by an inflationary increase of 2.5% (£208.00) to the precept and £910.00 being taken from reserves.

Cllr. Martin was asked to clarify the position regarding the Village shop. Of a total of £1200.00, which was provided to the shop, it had been advised that £600.00 would be repaid in the year 2003/4 and that level of support in that year reduced to £600.00.

Cllr. Smith was asked to provide detail regarding the provision of £800.00 for playground equipment. She advised that following consultation with users and parents of the playground it was decided to purchase two items of equipment namely: a butterfly and a log train. She hoped that parents and the Parish Council task force could do installation. Concern was expressed at this proposal and Cllr. Smith was asked to liaise with equipment providers to see if it was possible to obtain certification for the installation. She was also asked to liaise with ROSPA.

Action: Cllr. Smith

Cllr. Phillips asked if we were benefiting from any central buying power from the local authority. Cllr. Smith advised that although advice had been sought, no offer of any such arrangement had been forthcoming. Cllr. Dawson promised to pursue the subject.

Action: Cllr Dawson

The Chairman proposed, seconded by Cllr Martin: The budgetary proposals be adopted. This was unanimously agreed.

2003/16 Purchase of computer

The Clerk described the many problems she had experienced with the computer she had inherited since taking over the job and of the many unsuccessful attempts to solve them. The Chairman advised of the possibility of obtaining a second had one but it was felt that the purchase of a new processor and screen with the accompanying guarantee was the best solution. Cllr. Martin proposed: An amount of up to £500.00 be allocated for this purpose and that Cllrs. Humphreys and Hurdle prepare a specification for the equipment required. This was carried unanimously.

Action: Cllrs Humphreys, Hurdle and Clerk

2003/17 Correspondence

Matters for report:

a) Letter from BANES Highway Inspector re verges on Mill Hill advising that the work would be carried out as soon as possible. Cllr Bartholomew advised members that the work had in fact been carried out. The letter also invited Cllr. Elvin to join a future safety inspection.

b) Letter from BANES Highway Maintenance re grit bins advising they were unable to accede to our request. This was greeted with a degree of incredulity, as it was BANES who had asked for our advice on where they should be placed. It was agreed to add this item for discussion with Mr Turner (see minute 2003/6)

c) Notification of closure from BANES of road between Bath Hill and Twinhoe Lane, for resurfacing.

d) Letter from the former Clerk of Wellow Parish Council to the widow of Admiral Flower, previous District Councillor, expressing condolences from him and Wellow PC on the recent death of Admiral Flower.

One envelope of circulation items passed to Cllrs.

2003/18 Meetings

Bath and District Community Health Council, 2 pm 29th Jan 2003.

2003/19 Any Other Business

Cllr Elvin advised of action to repair the pavement between The Fox and Badger and The Manor House, which had been completed.

Cllr. Bartholomew advised of a change in the occupation of The Signal Box.

Cllr. Phillips raised the subject of overhanging trees on Cemetery Road offering to carry out the work under guidance.

Cllr Dawson enquired if the Parish Council was not interested in attending Parish liaison meetings. There seemed to be some doubt if we had been advised of the meeting to be held 29th Jan, but it was this council’s view that we were interested in attending such meetings.

The Chairman encouraged members to make their intentions known regarding standing for re election as early as possible in the hope that it would encourage a high level of interest among the parish.

2003/20 Date of next meeting

Monday 17th February 2003 at 8 pm in The Village Hall.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.