Wellow Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday17th March 2003 at 8pm in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Bartholomew, Martin, Humphreys, Hurdle, Watson and Cllr Whittington(chair)

In attendance: The clerk and four parishioners.

2003/39 Apologies: Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Elvin, Phillips and Smith.

2003/40 Minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes of the meeting held 17th February 2003 have been circulated and the following amendments were requested by Cllr Martin. 1) That the numbering should be replaced to follow on from January minutes. 2) That as of January minutes, re alteration to Cllr Phillips request, the date be corrected to 2003/19. 3) That under item 2003/10 the word "unimportant" be deleted and replaced by "not a matter on which the Parish Council should take any action"

A adjusted copy of the minutes to be produced, and signed at the next meeting.

2003/41 Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

2003/42 District Cllr Dawson report. Cllr Dawson was unable to attend.

2003/43 Declaration of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

2003/44 Public participation. The chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation. Miss M Cole reported that the path leading to Church is in bad condition.

Action to report, the clerk .

The chairman re-convened the meeting.

2003/45 Meeting with Mr A Turner, B&NES Highways. In the absence of Cllr Elvin, Cllr Bartholomew, who attended the meeting held on 11th March 2003 with Mr A Turner and Mr S Gees reported on a productive meeting. 1) Stoney Littleton Lane; B&NES to address the problem in 03/04 budget. 2) Excess Ford Warning signs; Signs to be recovered in Wellow High Street except the traditional one. Two signs either side of Ford to be retained with additional danger signs added. Pitting of bed of Ford to be placed high on B&NES agenda. 3) Mill Hill resurfacing; B&NES report structure is good. To be considered on their programme for next year. 4) Verge erosion top of Bath Hill; No solution offered. 5) Farm Lane poor surface condition; To be added to programme for next year, with action more likely. 6) Rail at Ford approach; Fixed by Mr Gees. 7) Hinton Hill; May have to be closed as there is still movement, waiting study report. Estimated cost above £300.00.

Concern was expressed by all Cllrs that Hinton Hill may be closed for a long period, or closed and not opened, with Cllr Humphreys questioning who has the legal responsibility to keep the road open. Cllr Martin proposed that neighbouring Parishes be involved.

The clerk to E Mail Cllr Dawson with copy to Hinton, Shoscombe and Peasedown St John Parish Councils. Action the clerk.

2003/46 Swings at Playground. As a safety measure Rospa be asked to bring forward their check. Action the clerk.

2003/47 Parish Sweeper Scheme. Cllr Martin recapped on information received. Trevor Cummings had informed him of a meeting to be held with District Cllrs scheduled for 3rd April, after which individual meetings could be held with parishes.

He would check the linear metres as quoted by B&NES, on which they based the payment to the parish, and would draft a letter to Mr Cummings to register disquiet with the proposals. Action Cllr Martin

2003/48 The Village Plan. Cllr Martin reminded the meeting that it was agreed last year to prepare a plan, and this was now registered. A meeting with The Countryside Agency was held with advice on how to prepare a plan, but stressing that the community as a whole must prepare the plan. The way forward was to write to local organisations to form a steering group to illicit opinions on what is important and what should be done.

A stall has been reserved at the Flower Show. Action Cllrs Martin&Humphreys.

2003/49 Cllr Watson to discuss with the meeting

a) The Local Plan. Cllr Watson explained that in his view the area on Weavers Farm which is outside the planning boundary and includes a Dutch Barn be incorporated in the boundary, and could allow for development. The owners, Mr and Mrs Horler would donate land and incorporate a tennis court for use by the village. The design to be controlled, for two properties appropriate to a semi-rural feel. Cllr Watson proposed the meeting support the amendment in principle, and would find planning consultants strategy to report and put to vote at the next meeting, with Mr and Mrs Horler being made aware of the proposal before the meeting. Action Cllr Watson

b) 20mph speed limit. A neighbouring parish now has a 20mph speed limit which is advisory, and after discussion with B&NES Highways Cllr Watson proposed that he pursue this form as quickly as possible. The vote, seconded by Cllr Hurdle was agreed unanimously. Action Cllr Watson

c) Detail of windows at The Batch development. Planning application 03/00621/VAR, variation of condition of planning permission 97/02101/FUL was discussed, to agree metal as proposed and colour. The meeting agreed to delegate authority to Cllr Watson and Cllr Hurdle at a site meeting on Tuesday 18th March 2003 at 11.30am. Cllrs Martin and Bartholomew also to attend. Forms to be returned to clerk to forward to planning dept.

2003/50 Declaration of Freedom of Information Act 2000. Acknowledgement that Model Scheme has been accepted. Listing of available information in the form of photocopy or by inspection, within 5 days of written application to the clerk, at a charge of ten pence per A4 sheet.

2003/51 ALCA Newsletter. Procedure re Annual Meetings and Election of new chairman was noted.

2003/52 Condition of Access Road to Village Hall. The chairman confirmed that the Parish Council is liable for the condition of the access road. Cllr Martin stated that no allowance had been made for this in the financial year 2003/04, but agreed that the road was deteriorating. To be considered for the budget of 2004/05. Action the clerk

2003/53 Cllr Bartholomew proposed

a) Leaflet re Bus Routes. Cllr Bartholomew commented that there is a lack of awareness of buses, which are underused. He would be willing to prepare a leaflet with basic information to be distributed with the Parish magazine.

b) Notice Board in Square. Cllr Bartholomew proposed that the notice board be backed with cork for ease of attaching papers, and a plate above saying "Wellow Parish Council". Action Cllr Hurdle & Cllr Bartholomew

2003/54 Planning

A) Application 03/00386/FUL by Mr R Twose, 2 Tower View, High Street, Wellow for single-storey extension and erection of 2m boundary fence. Cllr Hurdle proposed the meeting oppose the application on the grounds that flat roof extension is not appropriate for the village. Seconded by Cllr Humphreys and passed unanimously.

B) Notice of proposed works to trees at Windy Ridge, Wellow was noted.

C) a) The Signal Box; Appeal date was noted as Tuesday 8th April 2003. Cllrs willing to attend depending on commitments.

b) Modification to definitive map re Public Footpath BA25/53 and BA 25/14.

There is no requirement for the Parish Council to comment.

c ) Public Footpath BA25/40. Home Farm, White Ox Mead. Cllrs had no information to put forward. Action the clerk

d) E mail re Planning Assistance. An ex resident, now planning officer, offered help with planning items. Action the clerk  

2003/55 Financial Report

A) Current Account Statement to 6th March 2003 shows balance of £1855.18 to include receipts from B&NES of £218.80 re January Street Cleaning refund, and receipt of £600.00 from Wellow Village Shop

Cheques not presented; 875 to Wellow Village Hall for £77.00

Reconciled balance £1778.18

Business Reserve account remains at £5690.42

B) Accounts agreed for payment

a) Mazars(audit fee) £141.00

b) Mr S Cole; March Street Cleaning £218.80

c) Mr C Kyte £ 21.88

d) Mrs J Morphew; March Salary £120.67, telephone £5.00, expenses £13.67

Total £139.34

e) Barclaycard re computer £581.63

C) Items re finance

a) Invoice re ground rent April lst 2002 to March 31st 2004 has been forwarded to Village Hall Management Committee.

b) Revised schedule received from Cornhill Ins to include new computer and printer.

c) Copy of Wellow Village Shop accounts received. To be circulated.

d) Completion of Audit certificate and opinion received for year ending 31st March 2002 from Mazars, external auditors.

2003/56 Correspondence

Items (a) re Field Boundaries Project and (b) Bristol Bath to South Coast Study to be passed to Cllr Smith.

c) 3 The Square. The chairman read a letter from the owner of the property stating " I am doing all I can to expedite the restoration of the roof and the removal of the scaffolding"

d) Reply from B&NES re approach road to car park, stating some work will be done, probably infill, funded from this or next years budget.

Two envelopes of circulation passed to Cllrs.

2003/57 Meetings

a) Monday 24th March 2003. Parish Cluster Meeting 6pm Wellow Village Hall

This meeting excludes the public. The chairman urged as many Cllrs as possible to attend.

b) Tuesday 25th March 2003. Bath and District Community Health Council.

2003/58 Any Other Business.

Cllr Martin was appalled that the Parish Council had attached notices to telegraph poles.

Cllr Hurdle noted that on his Council Tax bill the cost to the police had escalated, and will investigate further. To be added to next agenda

2003/59 Next Meeting to be held on April 28th at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Agenda day 23rd April 2003

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.02pm