Minutes of the meeting of Wellow Parish Council

held on Monday 16th December 2002 at 8.pm in the village hall.

Present were Cllr Bartholomew, Cllr Elvin, Cllr Martin, Cllr Smith, Cllr Phillips, Cllr Watson, and Cllr Whittington(chair)

In attendance: The clerk and four parishioners.

1) APOLOGIES RECEIVED. Cllr Hurdle and Cllr Humphreys.

2) The minutes of the last meeting held 18th November 2002 have been circulated and three amendments were requested. The chairman signed them, with the meeting’s approval, with the amendments to be circulated with the minutes of December meeting.

The District Councillor had sent apologies for her absence.

3) Matters arising from the minutes of last meeting and not on the Agenda reported.

i) Signs in High Street and at Ford. Cllr Bartholomew stated that the signs were quite inappropriate and wholly inconsistent with a conservation village, also that B&NES had not consulted. Cllr Bartholomew to write draft letter requesting a site visit. Cllr Martin noted that the surface of the road across the brook was breaking up.

ii) 3 Requests; 7.5 tonne weight limit and 20 mph speed limit.Cllr Watson reported on a meeting with Highways Dept of B&NES. Proposal for pavement from Canteen Lane to end of village was too expensive. Pavement by Alma Terrace to be other side of road. The areas which were to be covered by 20mph and 30 mph speed limits explained also 7.5 tonne weight limit. Concern was expressed that the number of signs would be greatly increased. Cllr Watson assured the meeting that B&NES would send a concrete written proposal.

iii) Playground Equipment. Cllr Smith reminded the chairman of request for added funds to the voucher of £200.00 received from Playforce. He confirmed this will be discussed at future meeting of Finance Sub Committee.

4) No Cllrs declared an interest on any matter on the Agenda.

5) The Chairman adjoined the meeting for public participation.

i) Mr G Hewlett gave a report on the meeting he had attended on behalf of the Council of B&NES full executive, on Dec 4th, re Parish Sweeper Scheme. He reported that option 4 was basically accepted; To retain scheme but introduce new controls and a standard rate of reimbursement. a rate of payment of .31p per linear metre was agreed. The sweeper’s job specification needed to be revised. To confirm the 11% provided by the DSO. The Parish Council to be forceful in the reduction of the service at present.

ii) Mr R Holland reported his knowledge on status of Station Road, which leads to car park.

6) The Council discussed the report from Mr Hewlett, and requested the clerk contact B&NES Direct Services with view to a meeting

7) Cllr Martin reported on the condition of approach road to the car park, outside the old station and into the car park and looked to the Council to support his suggestion that B&NES be asked to make the road up to a reasonable standard.

The chairman asked Cllr Martin to draft a letter to this effect.

8) Problem of Parking on Pavement in village. Piece to be put in the Parish Magazine. Vehicles are causing obstruction, and a danger to pram owners and the elderly. The Council proposed a stronger than usual piece, that advice will be asked from the police and further action taken.

9) Freedom of Information Act. To be completed by Cllrs Martin and Whittington.


A New applications. None received

B. Decisions received.

i) Index no CA 4319. Notification of no objection to work on a tree at 1 The Batch.

11) Financial Report

A) Current Account Statement dated 6th December 2002 to show balance of £2153.04. Cheque not presented 863 Cllr Smith £5.00

Receipt of £212.40 from B&NES as refund Street Cleaning for October

Reconciled balance £2148.04

Business Reserve Account remains at £5685.24

B) Accounts agreed for payment

i) Mr S Cole £180.54

ii) Mr C Kyte £ 21.24

iii) Mre J Morphew Salary £120.67, Telephone £5.00, Expenses £6.00

Total £ 131.67

iv) B&NES re grass cutting at playing field £462.62

v) Society of Local Council Clerks £43.00

C) Receipt of copy of Statuary Instrument 2002 No 2878(Discretionary Expenditure Limits) This order increases to £5.00 the sum specified as the appropriate sum for the purpose of section 137(4)(a) of the 1972 Act for parish councils in England.

D) To elect new member to Finance Committee, to replace Dr Bazeley.

The Council decided to stand by previous arrangements, as proposals only are discussed to be presented to the Council for their decision. As per comment by chairman under Item nine.

E) Clerk requested purchase of Standing Orders and Chairmanship. at a cost of £6.00 plus p&p and copy of Clerks Job Description. Agreed by the meeting.


i) Received from Returning Officer at B&NES. Date of District Council Elections: 1st May 2003. Also copy of Register of Electors showing 385 electors.

The meeting asked the clerk to provide copies for the village hall, the church and the shop.

2 envelopes of circulation items were passed to Cllrs.

13) MEETINGS None notified


Cllr Bartholomew spoke on Broadband as access to the internet. It was proposed that Cllr Bartholomew put a piece in the parish Magazine under his own name.

Cllr Elvin reported a small crack had appeared in the drivable side of Hinton Hill.

Cllr Phillips reported that the drains on the road at Stoney Littleton were being blocked, and although stones removed they were replaced to block the drain.

15) DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 20th January 2003 at 8pm in the village hall.

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.40 pm